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This is a clearly-written, well-structured book that is full of useful suggestions for activities, implications for practice, and sources for further reading.
'the book has considerable strengths as a resource for Early Years practitioners, and the staff of a setting could well use it to support the systematic development of their outdoor provision, discussing and using the activities and points for practice incorporated into each chapter'- Valerie Huggins, Early Years
This book is relevant to several modules on the course and so I have made it recommended reading.
This book is recommended reading as it has relevance to several modules. Sara Kinght has an easy style and is passionate about her topic.
A well-structured easy read - very good introduction to the outdoor classroom and the learning opportunities for young children
This book is presented well and in a similar format we have come to know from Sarah Knight. It is structured clearly and supportive of outdoor play which is underpinned with theory. The risk assessment offers a common sense approach which supports self assessment. Overall a very good practical book with clear examples.
Links well to course content
The perfect text to encourage early years, primary and forest school staff to consider the issue of risk.
This book is clear and concise and offers students advice and ideas regarding how to create risk and adventure in their play experiences outdoors.
This is a well illustrated book that carefully explores the elements of risk in outdoor play. The book includes a chapter on fire, this is a current topic of interest and relates well to Forest School Education. This chapter discusses the role fire plays in learning about the outdoors. This book would support those considering outdoor education or Forest School provision.
A well written text for both students and experienced practitioners.
Useful book for 3year undergraduate early years students
Very well written book by the author Sara Knight. The information provided within this book is essential and is useful in supporting outdoor learning for children with some good examples. very clear.
Another strong look at the benefits of exposing young people to elements of risk. A well written book well worth a read.
Excellent book suited for level 3 learners that discusses risk in the outdoor play enviroment.
This is an inspiration book giving practical ideas informed by real experiences. Clearly outlines the value of risk and adventure, offers lots of ideas, many with photographs. I think that this will be a great resource for students and practitioners.
An exceptionally clearly written and well-structured text, obviously written by an expert in the field of risk and outdoor play. Full to the brim with practical advice as well as offering the benefits of learning with risk factors. Particularly welcome the underpinning of theory that supports its use.
Helpful, practical book with activities to support learning
This is an excellent book, it will be used as supplementary reading on the module 'Child and young peoples Development in the social context' a module that I deliver on BSc Hons Child Health & Well-being
another useful and practical book. adds to the bigger picture of Forest Schools in the context of Risk and adventure.