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“Susan Ruckdeschel provides a clear rationale for having student writers coach each other as they revise their work. Her explanations, examples, practical tips, and reproducibles enable teachers to use the process successfully in their own classrooms. This peer review process is straightforward, engaging, and flexible, and aims to develop students’ independence as writers.”
"Ruckdeschel’s protocol for peer coaching is an excellent tool for improving student writing, speaking, and listening skills, as well as promoting positive peer social interaction. As a middle school English teacher, I am very interested in incorporating the peer coaching protocol into my own classroom writing instruction."
"Ruckdeschel has done an exceptional job of breaking down the steps of the peer coaching process. She has anticipated readers’ questions and offers a thorough handling of the topic."
"Teachers need to think about teaching writing with this sort of process. There is so much more to writing than 4 or 5 paragraphs strung together with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. If teachers knew a better way to run their writing class, they would do it. This book might be the fuse that starts the fire."
"Helps teachers be better writing instructors and make writing an engaging and meaningful activity in their classrooms."