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"A hallmark volume by one of the nation's most accomplished school improvement scholars.... The most thoroughly researched, well-crafted, and useful volume on continuous improvement available. Smylie does for 'continuous improvement' what Fullan did for change."
"Mark Smylie does something both highly difficult and highly unusual—he considers not only the practice of continuous improvement as an organizational strategy but also the underlying theory. Based on his review of the literature in education and other fields, he digs beneath the surface of the mantra 'continuous improvement' and provides a highly readable, clearly written, and impressively comprehensive exploration of its meaning. Then he moves from theory into practice by examining models of continuous improvement applied to schools and to non-educational organizations.
"Fills missing holes in understanding how to create effective school systems that promote and support continuous improvement in all aspects of district operations. The author provides a plethora of references and interesting quotes to support his work."
"While reading this book I became so engaged with the research and the synthesis of ideas at work that I found myself stopping often to reflect on what I knew and what I had experienced as an educator. I realized I had reached a deeper understanding of the aspects of continuous change. This has already had an impact on my thinking as I begin to plan for next year’s staff development."
"Smylie's book provides an insightful, interdisciplinary perspective on our efforts to create schools that continuously focus on improving teaching and learning. Readers will appreciate his synthesis of what we know about guiding the process of organizational improvement. This book will serve as an excellent resource for researchers and practitioners interested in school reform."
"For educators and their supporters who wish schools to be a better place for young learners and professional staff, this volume will help get them there. A must-read now—and again a year from now—as educators (continue to) improve their understanding of how to strengthen the educational enterprise."
Was considering as primary text. Might consider as secondary text in the future.