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Effect Size for ANOVA Designs

Effect Size for ANOVA Designs

November 1999 | 80 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
This guide lays out the computational methods for `d' with a variety of designs including factorial ANOVA, ANCOVA and repeated measures ANOVA; `d' divides the observed effect by the standard deviation of the dependent variable. Throughout, the computations are illustrated on the same data, a comprehensive set of simulated observations on air traffic controllers. The authors also raise important theoretical issues including a discussion of `off-factors' in arriving at effect size as well as questions of research practice.
The Two Independent Group Design
A Review

Oneway Independent Group Design
Factorial Independent Group Designs
ANCOVA Designs
Repeated Measures Designs
Monograph Summary and Discussion of Ancillary Issues

José M. Cortina (2011-2013)

Jose M. Cortina is a Professor in the I/O Psychology program at George Mason University.  Professor Cortina received his Ph.D. in 1994 from Michigan State University.  His recent research has involved topics in meta-analysis, structural equation modeling, and significance testing, as well as predictors and outcomes of emotions in the workplace.  His work has been published in journals such as the Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Psychological Bulletin, Organizational Research Methods, and Psychological Methods.  He currently serves as Editor of Organizational Research Methods and is a former Associate Editor of the... More About Author

Hossein Nouri

Research Interests: * Behavioral Accounting * Meta Analysis * Pedagogical Research More About Author

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ISBN: 9780761915508

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