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One of the saddest comments we often hear is “I was never any good at math.” People blame themselves or the math. Rarely do they blame the mismatch between their cognitive and emotional needs and how they were being taught. In this engaging book, Lidia Gonzalez shines a light on the cultural, curricular, and classroom realities that are the real culprits.
Insight into why we need to change the narrative, “I’m bad at math!” So many moments of “Yes, you hit the nail on the head!” Authentic stories and compelling evidence reveal how our society continues to perpetuate this harmful myth. There are abundant resources to help stakeholders dismantle systemic barriers that persist in math and math education and reflection questions for education professionals. Awesome work!
Bad at Math? creates the space to unpack people’s dispositions about mathematics. Many people dislike how mathematics is used to position them as either competent or incompetent. This book provides the content and context for people to unpack mathematics as the tool that helps us critique and understand the world.
This book was a pleasure to read and reread! Though the main discussion is mathematics, it should be a must-read for all preschool through higher education professionals. It’s well written, and deeply rooted research tells the story. The long overdue, honest discussion is chock full of inclusive history and timely strategies positioning us to move forward and do better!
What a powerful and thought-provoking book! Gonzalez does a masterful job of addressing what is wrong with mathematics education currently and what can be done to make mathematics more accessible for more students, particularly those who are marginalized. Through these changes, we can help make it less socially acceptable for people to say they are bad at math.
This book truly breaks down cultural norms to build up a powerful vision of mathematics for everyone. The engaging and thought-provoking discussions are paired with rich examples and resources that collectively create a powerful message to help us change the way math is perceived and achieved in schools. An important book for all education stakeholders!
"Lidia Gonzalez does a masterful job sharing stories of student experiences in math class with a vision for creating access to all opportunities for all students. The material is written in a way that is very accessible for different education stakeholders, or for anyone who has experienced schooling.