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Every new professional needs a mentor, and beginning teachers benefit from the kind veteran teacher down the hall. Johnson, Kay, and Stuart give us just that: the helpful voices of wisdom and experience. They welcome us into the best professional conversations with each other and leaders like Penny Kittle and Thomas Newkirk. Their advice is sound. John Hattie’s research provides the underpinning, and the authors show how to set up and run classrooms truly responsive to students.
Johnson, Kay, and Stuart are asking great questions that will lead to life-giving, sustainable ELA teaching and learning. The practices they describe in their own rooms leap off the page because of their authenticity and dynamic delivery. We need more books like this by teachers who love students and have a passion for building our profession by inviting others into their classroom practices in ways that allow educators and students to flourish.
Reading this book is like having three experienced mentors give you all the answers on the ELA teacher test! If you are looking for teaching moves, engaging assignments, and resources to cultivate a true learning community, get ready to be inspired. Truly a gift for early-career teachers looking for ideas, midcareer teachers who need a boost, and veteran teachers who are ready to be refreshed. Johnson, Kay, and Stuart shine a united voice of optimism on teaching in today’s classrooms.
Matthew Johnson, Matthew Kay, and Dave Stuart have hit a home run with their new book Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Teaching Middle and High School ELA. Their practical suggestions for cultivating classroom community and instructional ideas are valuable for not only the novice educator, but the seasoned one as well. I found myself thinking of ways I could use their suggestions in my own university literacy teaching! This trio has crafted a text that ELA folks will want to keep on their desk so they can quickly reference these easy-to-implement classroom ideas.
Johnson, Kay, and Stuart have written a book to help navigate the burning questions early-career teachers long to understand. From ways to build a community of learners to motivational instruction to feedback that works for students and teachers alike, these inspirational teachers share what it takes to craft a career for the long haul.
Matthew Johnson, Matthew R. Kay’s, and Dave Stuart Jr. book Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Teaching Middle and High School ELA is an excellent resource for teachers looking to implement best practices in classrooms immediately. New teachers will find inspiration and resources as they plan and implement ELA curriculum in both the middle and high school English classroom. Johnson, Kay, and Stuart detail common challenges in the ELA classroom and provide practical strategies and solutions for the new and experienced teacher.
Johnson, Kay, and Stuart have written a book that would seem to answer every question I asked myself in the last year. They not only answer the questions with immediately useful suggestions one could apply to their class on the spot, but they also offer responses that are grounded as much in research as they are in optimism and joy. Though they began this book with beginning teachers in mind, they realized, as we all have in the last few years, that we are all new teachers who need the wisdom and practical strategies these three generous teachers offer us to do our job.
Under the weight of overwhelming expectations and intimidating systems of power, ELA teachers can ease their heavy load by hitching up with Johnson, Kay, and Stuart. From each of their unique teacher zones, the authors provide do-able options—rather than do-it-all presumptions—to help teachers strengthen learning communities with empathy, engagement, and equity. Answers to Your Biggest Questions offers a hope, clarity, and practicality needed to make this work lighter and brighter.
In Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Teaching Middle and High School ELA, three great yet distinctive teachers have put together a book that hits that rare balance of big-picture inspiration and down-home practical advice. Matthew Johnson, Matthew Kay, and Dave Stuart make their teaching visible in a way that will work both for early-career teachers and (as Matthew writes) “anyone who wants to be new.” Most importantly, they keep it real: real questions, real dilemmas, and real responses full of options and activities.
Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Teaching Middle and High School ELA pools together the extensive classroom experience of Matthew Johnson, Matthew R. Kay, and Dave Stuart Jr. There are moments from their classrooms, their best strategies, and their favorite resources, all contextualized by powerful mental framing to help teachers of English language arts narrow their focus, work more efficiently, and make sure our valuable minutes with students move them forward as learners.
Johnson, Kay, and Stuart are three of the best writers, sharpest thinkers, and kindest humans in our profession. These are the mentors every teacher should have! Written in engaging, heartfelt prose, Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Teaching Middle and High School ELA rings with teacher truths on every page. This book is a gift not only to new teachers but to all of us seeking a renewed commitment to our life’s work.
As a former high school English teacher, this book is the book I wish I had. As a high school principal, this is the book I will make sure is in the hands of every English and Language Arts teacher in my school. It is a thoughtful, practical and kind text that will help teachers build a student-centered English classroom with a culture of reading and writing that will help students years after they leave its walls.