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Approaches to using internet data in management research usually focus on large quantitative datasets. Here, Whiting and Pritchard outline a long overdue, innovative, qualitative approach to gaining research insights from on-line material. As part of the SAGE Mastering Business Research Methods series, the authors’ tracking and trawling method will prove revolutionary for Masters students. However, management scholars in general will also deeply appreciate this little gem of a book as not just presenting a novel on-line method but also an invaluable
This book offers an engaging and accessible introduction to qualitative research methods built on tracking and trawling through the wealth of material available online. Whiting and Pritchard offer a nuanced overview of the varieties of online data and the different tools available for locating material to use in our research projects. They combine practical tips with a reflexive sensitivity to the meaning of data and the emergent design of research projects.
The Internet contains rich qualitative material, yet until now we have lacked a systematic guide to help students design and execute digital studies. Carefully delineating digital research from doing a literature review, the book helps students on every step of their research journey in accessible language that nonetheless does not 'dumb down' its subject.