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Monitoring and Evaluation Training

Monitoring and Evaluation Training
A Systematic Approach

First Edition

464 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
This one-of-a-kind book fills a gap in the literature by providing readers with a systematic approach to monitoring and evaluation (M&E) training for programs and projects. Bridging theoretical concepts with practical, how-to knowledge, authors Scott Chaplowe and J. Bradley Cousins draw upon the scholarly literature, applied resources, and over 50 years of combined experience to provide expert guidance that can be tailored to different M&E training needs and contexts, including those for novices, professionals, organizations and their staff, community members, and other groups with a desire to learn and sustain sound M&E practices.
Part I: Key Concepts of M&E Training
1. M&E Training That Makes a Difference
What is M&E Training That Makes a Difference?

Systems Thinking for Training

Revisiting M&E

The Rising Demand for M&E Training

Who Provides M&E Training?

What Kind of M&E Training?

Chapter Summary

Recommended Resources

2. The Training Landscape
What is a Training?

Formal, Non-formal, Informal, and Incidental Education

Training Types – A Brief Overview

Face-to-Face Training

Distance Training and eLearning

Blended Learning

Chapter Summary


Recommended Resources

3. The M&E Capacity Building Context
What is Evaluation Capacity Building?

M&E Capacity Building at the Individual Level

M&E Capacity Building at the Organizational Level

M&E Capacity Building in the External Environment

M&E Capacity Assessment and Strategic Planning

Chapter Summary

Recommended Resources

4. Adult Learning
What is Learning?

How Adults Learn


Experimental Learning

Learning Styles and Preferences

Differentiated Instruction

Learner-Centered Training

Adult-Learning Principles for Effective M&E Training

Chapter Summary

Recommended Resources

5. What Makes a Good M&E Trainer?
Trainer Competencies

Recruiting a Trainer

Chapter Summary


Recommended Resources

Part II: A Systematic Approach to M&E Training
6. An Overview of the ADDIE Framework for Training
ADDIE as a Systematic and Systems Approach for Training

Why Have We Chosen the ADDIE for This Book?

Planning to Manage the ADDIE Process

Chapter Summary


Recommended Resources

7. Training Analysis
Solution Analysis

Needs and Outcomes Analysis

Trainee Analysis

Context Analysis

Task Analysis

Gap and Causal Analysis

Training Analysis Report

Chapter Summary

Recommended Resources

8. Training Design
Identify Training Objectives

Preparing Learning Objectives

Organizing the Instructional Content

Designing the Training Curriculum

Designing Training Evalaution and Follow-Up

Chapter Summary

Recommended Resources

9. Training Development and Preparation
Develop Training Materials and Resources

Review and Pilot the Training

Preparing for an M&E Training Workshop

Chapter Summary

Recommended Resources

10. Training Implementation
Training Facilitation

Facilitating the Workshop Introduction, Activities, and Closing

Chapter Summary

Recommended Resources

11. Training Evaluation
What is Training Evaluation?

Training Evaluation Methods - An Overview

Training Evaluation Guidelines

Determining Who Will Conduct Training Evaluation

Chapter Summary


Recommended Resources

Part III: M&E Training Methods and Techniques



Discussion Activities

Subgroup Formations

Case Studies

Learning Games

Guest Speakers

Panel Discussions and Debates

Role Playing



M&E Software Activities

Learner Presentations

Practicum Experiences

Independent Learning Activities

Review Activities

Learning Assessment Activities

Training Monitoring and Evaluation Activities

Training Closing Activities

Training Follow-Up Activities


This book is valuable resource for people, like me, who are involved in building and strengthening evaluation capacity in the humanitarian sector. It balances the personal experience of the authors with up-to-date academic knowledge, communicated in an easy and humorous way that makes reading this book serious fun.  

Mzia Turashvili
Vienna Evaluation Unit of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF, or Doctors Without Borders)

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 1

Chapter 5

Scott G. Chaplowe

Scott G. Chaplowe is currently a senior monitoring and evaluation (M&E) officer at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), based in Geneva. In addition to M&E, he has over twenty-years experience in policy research and analysis, strategic planning, and capacity building and development for civil society and international organizations. He holds a MA degree from UCLA in Geography, with a focus on political ecology and natural resource management and has authored articles on urban agriculture, civil society and evaluation, coedited a book on sustainable agriculture, and developed an assortment of... More About Author

J. Bradley Cousins

J. Bradley Cousins is professor of Evaluation at the Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa. Cousins’ main interests are in program evaluation including participatory and collaborative approaches, use, and capacity building. He received his PhD in Educational Measurement and Evaluation from the University of Toronto in 1988. Throughout his career he has received several awards for his work in evaluation including the Contribution to Evaluation in Canada award (CES, 1999), the Paul F. Lazarsfeld Award for Theory in Evaluation (AEA, 2008) and the AERA Research on Evaluation Distinguished Scholar Award (2011). He has published many... More About Author

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