Part I: Key Concepts of M&E Training
1. M&E Training That Makes a Difference
What is M&E Training That Makes a Difference?
Systems Thinking for Training
The Rising Demand for M&E Training
Who Provides M&E Training?
What Kind of M&E Training?
2. The Training Landscape
Formal, Non-formal, Informal, and Incidental Education
Training Types – A Brief Overview
Distance Training and eLearning
3. The M&E Capacity Building Context
What is Evaluation Capacity Building?
M&E Capacity Building at the Individual Level
M&E Capacity Building at the Organizational Level
M&E Capacity Building in the External Environment
M&E Capacity Assessment and Strategic Planning
4. Adult Learning
Learning Styles and Preferences
Differentiated Instruction
Learner-Centered Training
Adult-Learning Principles for Effective M&E Training
5. What Makes a Good M&E Trainer?
Part II: A Systematic Approach to M&E Training
6. An Overview of the ADDIE Framework for Training
ADDIE as a Systematic and Systems Approach for Training
Why Have We Chosen the ADDIE for This Book?
Planning to Manage the ADDIE Process
7. Training Analysis
Needs and Outcomes Analysis
8. Training Design
Identify Training Objectives
Preparing Learning Objectives
Organizing the Instructional Content
Designing the Training Curriculum
Designing Training Evalaution and Follow-Up
9. Training Development and Preparation
Develop Training Materials and Resources
Review and Pilot the Training
Preparing for an M&E Training Workshop
10. Training Implementation
Facilitating the Workshop Introduction, Activities, and Closing
11. Training Evaluation
What is Training Evaluation?
Training Evaluation Methods - An Overview
Training Evaluation Guidelines
Determining Who Will Conduct Training Evaluation
Part III: M&E Training Methods and Techniques
Panel Discussions and Debates
Independent Learning Activities
Learning Assessment Activities
Training Monitoring and Evaluation Activities
Training Closing Activities
Training Follow-Up Activities