Modern Governance
New Government-Society Interactions
Edited by:
- Jan Kooiman - Erasmus University, Rotterdam
288 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This wide-ranging text provides an overview of major governance developments in contemporary society. It outlines and illuminates recent theories about the relationship of public and private sectors, and the interaction of politics and society.
The most recent and prevailing governance development is shown as a shift in the balance between government and society--away from the public sector toward the private sector. Modern Governance explores how new balances have been struck between the state and the market. It also identifies the forms and patterns that have emerged in this new balance. Patterns include substitutions of the market and the state; and new interactions between government and society in areas such as social welfare, environment, education, and services. Based on shared responsibility between the public and private sectors, such patterns have produced new forms of governing and public management.
Modern Governance gives a broad overview of the subject. It shows empirical cases of new governance forms which are drawn from Western Europe. It also reviews the major theoretical concepts explaining these developments. Focus is placed on the challenges and prospects for modern public management. This comprehensive volume is essential reading for students of public administration, management, government and political science, and organization theory.
Jan Kooiman
Social-Political Governance
Renate Mayntz
Governing Failures and the Problem of Governability
Andrew Dunsire
Modes of Governance
Jan Kooiman
Governance and Governability
Fr[ac]ed[ac]eric Royall
Lost Opportunity
Kirsti Stenvall
Public Policy Planning and the Problem of Governance
Marijke Prins
Women's Emancipation as a Question of Governance
Charles Raab
The Governance of Data Protection
Martijn van Vliet
Environmental Regulation of Business
Vincent Kouwenhoven
Public-Private Partnership
Mich[gr]ele Breuillard
Dynamics and Room for Manoeuvre in Governance
Geert Bouckaert
Governance between Legitimacy and Efficiency
Herman Aquina and Hans Bekke
Governance in Interaction
Les Metcalfe
Public Management; from Imitation to Innovation
Walter Kickert
Complexity, Governance and Dynamics
Ky[um]osti Pekonen
Governance and the Problem of Representation in Public Administration
Torben Beck J[/]orgensen
Modes of Governance and Administrative Change
Roger Duclaud-Williams
The Governance of Education
Jan Kooiman
Findings, Speculations and Recommendations
Interesting text for anyone wanting to gain an idea of Modern Governance. Cross section analysis with historical governance shows interesting results.
Arts, Business and Social Science, University Campus Suffolk
July 6, 2015