Guy Lories, Benoit Dardenne and Vincent Y Yzerbyt
From Social Cognition to Metacognition
Asher Koriat
Illusions of Knowing
The Link between Knowledge and Metaknowledge
Adisack Nhouyvanisvong and Lynne M Reder
Rapid Feeling-of-Knowing
A Strategy Selection Mechanism
Guy Lories and Marie-Anne Schelstreate
The Feeling-of-Knowing as a Judgement
Thomas O Nelson, Arie Kruglanski and John T Jost
Knowing Thyself and Others
Progress in Metacognitive Social Psychology
Herbert Bless and Fritz Strack
Social Influence on Memory
William B Swann Jr and Michael J Gill
Beliefs, Confidence and the Widows Ademoski
On Knowing What We Know about Others
Vincent Y Yzerbyt, Benoit Dardenne and Jacques-Philipppe Leyens
Social Judgeability Concerns in Impression Formation
Mahzarin R Banaji and Nilanjana Dasgupta
The Consciousness of Social Beliefs
A Program of Research on Stereotyping and Prejudice
Timothy D Wilson, Daniel T Gilbert and Thalia Wheatley
Protecting Our Minds
Duane T Wegener, Richard E Petty and Meghan Dunn
The Metacognition of Bias Correction
Naive Theories of Bias and The Flexible Correction Model
Leonard L Martin and Diederik A Stapel
Correction and Metacognition
Are People Naive Dogmatists or Naive Empiricists during Social Judgements