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Mentoring in Action: Guiding, Sharing, and Reflecting With Novice Teachers

Mentoring in Action: Guiding, Sharing, and Reflecting With Novice Teachers
A Month-by-Month Curriculum for Teacher Effectiveness

Second Edition

Foreword by Ellen Moir

Additional resources:

June 2016 | 312 pages | Corwin

The support you need for mindful mentoring and sustainable teacher success!

Novice teachers bring vitality and optimism to schools. Our role as mentors is to empower novice teachers to grow in their practice and emerge as the leaders of the future. Newly revised and updated, the 2nd edition of Mentoring in Action emphasizes a unique approach: mindful mentoring that aligns your conversations to teaching standards to prepare novice teachers for their teacher evaluation. 

In this book you’ll learn the importance of teacher leadership and how mentoring can influence teacher effectiveness. This flexible twelve-month curriculum helps you:

  • Plan mentoring conversations and observations 
  • Differentiate support to meet the varied needs of novice teachers
  • Set goals to prevent teacher burnout by sharing social and emotional learning skills
  • Gather regular student feedback from student work samples and surveys
  • Integrate the updated INTASC Standards into mentoring conversations

This updated edition includes QR codes and a robust companion website featuring videos, downloadable forms, and a Mentor Planning Guide and Journal for reflection.  Transform your mentoring experience by confidently mentoring your novice teachers with this comprehensive guide!

“Filled with decades of her own teaching, research, and mentoring wisdom, Radford offers a guide to building the mentoring relationship, examples of mentoring in action, and instructions and modeling of purposeful mentoring conversations.”
Dr. Kirsten Olsen, Author of Wounded By School and The Mindful School Leader

“The best mentorship programs include support for the mentors, not just for new teachers. This book provides a roadmap for individual teacher-mentors or those in charge of mentoring programs. Everyone in a position of leadership should read and use this book."
Barbara Levin, Professor and Author of Every Teacher a Leader
University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Use with The First Years Matter, the companion guide for novice teachers!
About the Author
Introduction: Welcome to Mentoring in Action!
Part I Inducting a Novice Teacher into the Teaching Profession
Induction Programs Must Prepare and Support Mentors
Mentors Are Teacher Leaders
Sustainable Mentoring
What Is Mentoring in Action?
Principles for Effective Mentoring
Qualities and Skills of Effective Mentors
Purposeful Mentoring Conversations
Part II Month-by-Month Mentoring: Supporting Novice Teachers
Why Do We Need a Mentoring Curriculum?
A Month-by-Month Cycle for Mentoring
The Transformation of a Teacher
Orientation to the School and Community: Resources and Values
Beginning the School Year Successfully: Creating a Community of Learners in the Classroom
Teaching for Understanding: Planning and Delivering Effective Instruction
Assessing Diverse Leaders: How do Teachers Know Students Have Learned?
Maintaining Balance: Teaching and Keeping the Students Interested
Beginning a New Calendar Year: Looking Back and Moving Forward
Engaging Students in the Curriculum: Focus on Content through Active Inquiry
Collaborating with Novice Teachers: Observing and Building a Trusting Relationship
Standards: Creating Meaningful Standards-Based Learning Experiences for Students
Assessing Students' Progress: High-Stakes Tests and Teacher Assessment
Completing the Year: Paperwork, Relationships, and Closing a Room
Final Reflection and Planning For Next Year: Retreat, Reflect, Renew


"What amazes me about the Mentoring in Action and First Years Matter books is that every aspect of the teaching field is addressed." 

Kerri Schoonover, History Teacher
Atlantis Charter High School

“I love the idea of having mentors and mentees work alongside each other with Mentoring in Action and The First Years Matter, sharing their thoughts about challenges and successes each month and opening up a reflective dialogue.”

Karen Mayotte, Grade 2 Classroom Teacher/ Co-coordinator Mentor Program
Nashoba Regional School District

"The two texts, Mentoring in Action and The First Years Matter, are companion texts that give both participants a guide for discussions, suggestions for activities, and a place to track reflections.  They also allow for targeted differentiation."

Maureen Perkins, Reading Specialist
William A. Berkowitz School

"Integrating teacher evaluation standards fits naturally into the reflection prompts and activities in The First Years Matter and Mentoring in Action texts."

Caitlin Corrieri, Mentor Coordinator
Belmont Public Schools

"I will most definitely use the Mentoring in Action text paired with The First Years Matter text as a month-by-month curriculum to focus mentoring conversations." 

Kristen Daly, First Grade Teacher
Kenneth Coombs School

"With the Mentoring in Action and The First Years Matter books, training of mentors is consistent and comprehensive.  The First Years Matter is structured enough to provide a clear path toward helping a new hire to achieve independence."

John Radosta, Mentoring Coordinator
Milton High School

"Mentoring in Action and The First Years Matter are so important to guide discussions between mentor and mentee and are also helpful when differentiating for a new teacher’s needs." 

Elyse Hager, Kindergarten Teacher
Nathaniel Morton Elementary School

"Our district will use the Mentoring in Action and The First Years Matter texts to directly align with teacher evaluation standards and create a common language among our mentors and novice teachers."

Bethany Botelho, Mentor Teacher Facilitator
Old Colony Regional HS

"This year we were trained to use the Mentoring in Action book.  This has provided a common language and framework for mentors, which has been most helpful to maintain a consistent program."

Marguerite Rancourt, Lead Mentor
Greenfield Public Schools

"The Mentoring in Action and The First Years Matter books are critical resources that each mentor will need to provide support for becoming a qualified mentor." 

Angela Downing, 1st Grade Teacher
Franklin Elementary School

Summary of Changes:

·         Twelve month curriculum with the addition of July to reflect

                        August is the teaching chapter that shows how you go through each month teaching reader to download things from the website. Following months will have reminders to go to the website.

·         Alignment to state standards to support novice teacher effectiveness on evaluation

·         Updated wording and titles for all content

·         Introducing the topic of Mindful Mentoring

·         Including student perspectives to mentoring conversations ACTs

·         Streamlining content in book to bring readers to the website to download pages

·         Introducing lesson planning earlier

·         Corwin resources added to CONNECT pages and updating technology links

·         Key Questions to monthly chapter introductions

·         Video introductions to each month

·         Mentoring Conversation videos throughout the book

·         Other videos from MIA website integrated as appropriate i.e. Design Alliance

·         Differentiated ACTs for FYI, Sharing, Mentor Reflection, and Mentoring Conversations

·         Appendix of State examples of teaching standards and/or induction guidelines

·         Companion Website using CW mouse icon to indicate to go to website.

                  Journal sheets for writing,

                  Reflection bubble sheets,

                  Graphics – slides


               Downloadable forms from ACTs pages as appropriate.

                        Videos as indicated above

Sample Materials & Chapters



Carol Pelletier Radford

Carol Pelletier Radford is the founder of Mentoring in Action, an organization dedicated to the success of novice teachers and their mentors. Before she established her own organization to support mentors and new teachers, she was a veteran elementary school teacher and a teacher preparation leader. Carol is the author of Corwin’s bestselling books Mentoring in Action: Guiding, Sharing, and Reflecting With Novice Teachers and The First Years Matter: Becoming an Effective Teacher.Carol received her Education Doctorate from the Harvard University Graduate School of Education, where she focused her studies on mentoring and teacher leadership.... More About Author

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ISBN: 9781506345116