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Marketing for Entrepreneurs

Marketing for Entrepreneurs
Concepts and Applications for New Ventures

240 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
One of the primary reasons most often cited for the failure of a new venture is the entrepreneur's inability to identity and exploit the `right idea'. This is directly connected to the concepts and principles of marketing, specifically: knowing what to produce and knowing what not to produce. Additionally, even if the entrepreneur has the right idea, many experts cite weak marketing efforts (marketing execution) as another reason for venture failure.

Marketing for Entrepreneurs moves beyond the classic 4Ps and demonstrates the application of marketing in an entrepreneurial context. Traditional marketing texts are incapable of addressing marketing concepts directly applicable to the entrepreneur's unique situation. Furthermore, general entrepreneurship books are also not applicable because they tend to focus on management teams or the development of business plans while failing to address critical marketing dimensions.

Chapter 1 – Marketing in an Entrepreneurial Context
Marketing: Defined

The Seven Steps in the Marketing Process

Using marketing to discover and satisfy customer needs

The 5Ps for product-based ventures and 8Ps of service-based ventures

Chapter 2 – Finding and Evaluating the Right Marketing Opportunity
Characteristics of a good opportunity

Chapter 3 - Using Marketing Research to Ensure Entrepreneurial Success
Marketing research as success insurance: reducing venture failure rates

Types of marketing research

Chapter 4 – Understanding Customers and Competitors
Understanding the customer

Understanding competition

Chapter 5 – Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning
Ways to segment consumer and business markets

Selecting target segments


Chapter 6 – Developing New Products and Services
Types of new products and services

Characteristics of successful new products and services

The new product/service development process

Managing your products/services over their life cycles

Chapter 7 – Building and Sustaining the Entrepreneurial Brand
What is a brand?

The entrepreneurial branding process

Why is entrepreneurial branding important?

Entrepreneurial Branding strategies

Characteristics of a good brand

Chapter 8 – Entrepreneurial Pricing
The pricing parameters

Some entrepreneurial pricing advice

Chapter 9 – Entrepreneurial Channel Development and Supply Chain Management
Defining channels of distribution

Factors affecting channel choice

When to use intermediaries

When to go direct

When to use multi-channel marketing

Channel design considerations

Channel choice and development in a global context

Supply Chain management and marketing strategy

Chapter 10 – Entrepreneurial Promotion: Doing More With Less!
Developing integrated marketing communications (IMC)

The Communications Mix

Advertising; Public Relations; Sales Promotion; Personal Selling; and Direct marketing

Constructing an IMC Plan

Testing and Evaluating the Plan

Maximizing the IMC budget and impact of the communications

Chapter 11 – The Entrepreneurial Marketing Plan
The Anatomy of the entrepreneurial marketing plan

Planning and strategy lessons

Profitability and ROI Marketing

Sample Marketing Plan


Marketing for Entrepreneurs: Concepts and Applications for New Ventures [F G Crane 2010] has some interesting US based case content but I'm afraid it is of a much lower academic standard than I expected.

I would require a much more academically rigorous, research based book for Masters level students.

It may be more suitable for 1st or 2nd year undergraduates who have little of no background knowledge of entrepreneurship or marketing. The causal tone would be much more welcome to that level of student ability.

Also at £27.99 it is hugely overpriced for what it is. I would expect a book that is not backed by research to be priced under £15.

Dr Dale Heywood
ULMS - Management School, Liverpool University
July 22, 2012

This book was chosen from among many entrepreneurial marketing text candidates because of its organization, content, focus, style, applicability, and value (all the former for the price). It would have been an easier decision had there been a cache of instructor's resources to support the text.

Professor Michael Schirmer
Business Administration Div, Peirce College
October 31, 2011

This is an excellent book which offers something for everyone. Too many marketing books focus on the standard marketing mix coupled with extensive and complex marketing theory and fail to convey the importance of strategic awareness and market planning. In this book, Crane has produced a truly adaptable and portable bible for small business marketing as well as recognising the student desire for concise and practical texts. This book is sure to win favour with both students and entrepreneurs.

Mr Paul Matthews
Business Administration , B'ham College of Food, Tourism & Creative Studies
August 3, 2011

The book does not cover some of the needed topics.

Dr Rania Mostafa
Marketing and PR, Leeds Metropolitan University
May 4, 2011

This is a well written book that can help students in small business management courses to prepare marketing plans for entrepreneurial new ventures. The book is written in simple and down to earth language with useful case summaries. I'm sure my students will benefit from it tremendously.

Dr Nathaniel Boso
Marketing & Retailing Group, Loughborough University
August 21, 2010

this book has already given me some useful tips and cases. I will recommned it to my final years starting their final year project on small business in September 2010 on the undergraduate programmes and to the postgraduate students looking at small business development.

Timothy Savage
School of Hospitality, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff
February 11, 2010

Excellent source of information for
teacher and faculty!

Mr Bertrand Gillett
Business Administration , Corozal Junior College
December 17, 2009

The course will not run in the 2010 academic year.

I may, however, use selected portions of the book in a readings packet for my other marketing courses. Overall, I like the book.

Ms Bonnie McEwan
Milano School of Management & Policy, New School University
November 29, 2009

Does not include some topics needed

Dr Isaura Flores
Business Administration Dept, University of Texas at Tyler
November 16, 2009

Book include essential information about business to business environment. Book support course material and it is with easy readable.

Mr Tapio Salminen
Marketing , Tampere University of Technology
November 12, 2009

Frederick G. Crane

Frederick G. Crane is an executive professor of Entrepreneurship & Innovation at the College of Business at Northeastern University, Editor of the Journal of the Academy of Business Education, and co-founder of Ceilidh Insights LLC, an innovation management training, intellectual property consulting, and consumer insight company. He was formerly a professor of marketing and entrepreneurship at the University of New Hampshire and a chair and full professor at Dalhousie University. He currently teaches courses in entrepreneurship, innovation, and entrepreneurial marketing.His academic research activities have resulted in more than 100... More About Author

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