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Managing Radical Organizational Change

Managing Radical Organizational Change

July 1998 | 392 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
The breakup of the former Soviet Union has given organizational science scholars the opportunity to study radical changes companies must make in order to adapt to different economic and social goals. The authors of this book examined in depth how companies in central Europe (Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic) made the unprecedented move from a centrally planned system to a market economy. The results of their analysis, along with new theory they have developed about managing radical organizational change, are presented here.
Czech History, Culture and Economic Transformation

Heritage from the Past
Organizational Effects of Central Planning

Perspectives on Organizational Transformation
Building Theory from the Ground Up
Research Methods

Advantages from the Start
Friendly Competition
Leading the Transformation
The Road to Radical Change
Culture, Congruence and Core Values
Conclusions and Curiosities

Karen L. Newman

Stanley D. Nollen

Stanley D. Nollen is a professor at McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University. Professor Nollen's field of research and teaching is international business. He studies firms and industries in emerging market economies and has directed foreign study programs in Delhi, Bangalore, Dubai, Ho Chi Minh City, Prague, and Seoul. He has been a visiting professor at the London School of Economics and the University of Antwerp, with Fulbright fellowships in Delhi and Prague. His recent published research is about software and hardware industries in India and China, and about the transition of firms in the Czech Republic. Publication outlets... More About Author

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ISBN: 9780761909347
ISBN: 9780761909330