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Management Fundamentals

Management Fundamentals
Concepts, Applications, and Skill Development

Seventh Edition

Other Titles in:
Business & Management

624 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

Focusing on concepts, applications, and skill building, this best-selling text presents essential management themes and uses a variety of applications that challenge you to think critically and apply concepts to your own experiences. Throughout the book, proven skill-building exercises, behavioural models, self-assessments, and individual and group exercises help you to develop your personal and professional skills. 

Key Features:

  • A wide range of applications and company examples help you hone skills you can use in daily life and on the job
  • Self-Assessments help you gain personal knowledge of management functions in the real world
  • Work Applications help you apply the text concepts to your own experience (full-time, part-part, summer, volunteer work).

New to this edition:

  • Current Trends and Issues sections discuss how AACSB competencies of globalization, diversity, technology, and ethics/CSR apply to the chapters
  • A significantly revised and reorganized Chapter 10 includes provides expanded coverage of OB concepts such as personality, perception, attitudes, and job satisfaction
  • Revised Applying the Concept questions (plus 70 completely new questions) ask you to determine the most appropriate concept to be used in a specific short example.  

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Part I: The Global Management Environment
Chapter 1. Management and Its History
Why Study Management?

What Is a Manager’s Responsibility?

What Does It Take to Be a Successful Manager?

What Do Managers Do?

Differences among Managers

A Brief History of Management

Objectives of the Book

Trends and Issues in Management

Chapter 2. The Environment: Culture, Ethics, and Social Responsibility
The Internal Environment

Organizational Culture

The External Environment

Business Ethics

Methods to Help Ensure Ethical Behavior

Social Responsibility and Sustainability

Trends and Issues in Management

Chapter 3. Managing Diversity in a Global Environment
The Global Environment

Managing Global Business

Workplace Diversity and Inclusion

Types of Diversity and Managing Diversity

Global Diversity

Trends and Issues in Management

Part II: Planning
Chapter 4. Creative Problem Solving and Decision Making
Problem Solving and Decision Making: An Overview

Classify and Define the Problem or Opportunity

Set Objectives and Criteria

Generate Creative and Innovative Alternatives

Analyze Alternatives and Select the Most Feasible

Plan, Implement the Decision, And Control

Trends and Issues in Management

Chapter 5. Strategic and Operations Planning
Strategic and Operational Planning

Developing the Mission and Analyzing the Environment

Setting Objectives

Corporate Level Strategies

Business Level Strategies

Operational Level Planning

Implementing and Controlling Strategies

Trends and Issues in Management

Chapter 6. Managing Change, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
Innovation and Change

Managing Innovation

Managing Change

Organizational Development


Trends and Issues in Management

Part III: Organizing
Chapter 7. Organizing and Delegating Work
Organization Considerations and Principles


Organizational Design

Contemporary Organizational Design

Job Design

Organizing Yourself and Delegating

Trends and Issues in Management

Chapter 8. Managing Team Work
Groups and Teams and Performance

Group Structure

Group Process

Stages of Group Development and Management Styles

Developing Groups into Teams

Managing Meetings

Trends and Issues in Management

Chapter 9. Human Resource Management

The Human Resources Management Process

Human Resources Planning

Attracting Employees

Developing Employees

Retaining and Separating Employees

Trends and Issues in Management

Chapter 9. Appendix Career Management and Networking

Part IV: Leading
Chapter 10. Organizational Behavior: Power, Politics, Conflict, and Stress
Organizational Behavior (OB)




Shaping Organizational Behavior Foundations

Organizational Power and Politics

Negotiation, Conflict, and Stress Management

Trends and Issues in Management

Chapter 11: Motivating for High Performance
Motivation and Performance

Content Motivation Theories

Process Motivation Theories

Reinforcement Theory

Combining the Motivation Process and Motivation Theories

Motivating Employees With Rewards and Recognition

Trends and Issues in Management

Chapter 12: Leading with Influence
Leadership Theories

Behavioral Leadership Theories

Situational Leadership Theories

Contemporary Leadership Theories

Trends and Issues in Management

Chapter 13: Communication and Information Technology
Organizational Communication

Information Technology, Systems and Networks

The Interpersonal Communication Process and Communication Barriers

Message Transmission Channels

Sending Messages

Receiving Messages

Responding to Messages

Trends and Issues in Management

Part V: Controlling
Chapter 14: Managing Control Systems, Finances, and People
Organizational and Functional Area Control Systems

Establishing Control Systems

Financial Controls: The Master Budgeting Process

Managing People

Trends and Issues in Management

Chapter 15: Operations, Quality, and Productivity

Classifying Operations Systems

Designing Operations Systems

Managing Operations Systems and the Supply Chain

Productivity and the Balanced Scorecard

Trends and Issues in Management



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SAGE EDGE FOR STUDENTS enhances learning in an easy-to-use environment that offers:

  • Mobile-friendly flashcards that strengthen understanding of key terms and concepts, and make it easy to maximize your study time, anywhere, anytime
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  • Video and multimedia resources that bring concepts to life, are tied to learning objectives, and make learning easier
  • Exclusive access to influential SAGE journal content that ties important research and scholarship to chapter concepts to strengthen learning

“I think it is the best text for this course because of the experiential approach. Excellent readability. The Applying the Concepts, Self-Assessments, workplace application questions, and the Skill Builders are exceptional, engaging, and provide personal, real world contexts.”

Lynn Klein
Chabot College

“This approach works very well, and is the primary reason I stick with the Lussier text. I use as many of the active learning and skill development activities as I can, and would use more if time allowed.”

Eric Ecklund
St. Francis University

“The three-pronged approach is perfect because students learn differently, and having the opportunity to approach the content from three perspectives equates to improved learning and student achievement.”

Cathy M. Littlefield
Pierce College

“The range of topics covered is excellent and topical. I like the layout and the flow of material. In my view the level of detail is very appropriate. In particular, the mix of theory and application are very well linked. The exercises are very helpful in developing an action learning approach that will benefit the student”

Robert W. Robertson
Independent University

“The various applications are quite helpful in aiding the student to understand and the professor to assign work.”

Joni Koegel
Cazenovia College

“There are numerous resources, enough to choose from to keep the class application oriented.  It provides information that allows for engaging in class discussion and interaction between students and faculty.  In comparison to other textbook these features are above average.”

Callie Burnley
California Polytechnic University, Pomona

“Concepts are kept clear, concise and uncluttered. The cases provide sufficient detail to go deeper into the real issues faced by a company when deciding upon a strategy.”

Geoffrey Desa
San Francisco State University

“It focuses on students’ skills and abilities with the assessments.  It is current and includes global business and technology impacts on management.”

Paula A. White
Independence University

“The text reads well. It is organized differently than some of the other texts I’ve seen and this works well.”

Jeffrey Anderson
Ohio University

“I really like the textbook and I plan on using it. I believe it provides a great experience for my students and the cases are indeed allowing my students to think about the concepts. I believe the cumulative questions allow the student to think back on previous chapters. Due to various components of the textbook (applying the concepts, self-assessment) it really allows students to take an active role in their learning process and achieve academic success.”

Simona Ileana Giura
SUNY Oneonta

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 1

Chapter 8

Robert N. Lussier

Robert N. Lussier is a professor of management at Springfield College and taught management for more than 35 years. He is a prolific writer, with more than 500 publications to his credit. His articles have been published in the Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, Business Horizons, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Family Business Review, Journal of Business Strategies, Journal of Management Education, Journal of Small Business Management, Journal of Small Business Strategy, SAM Advanced Management Journal, and several others. He also has a human resources management textbook (with John Hendon) published by SAGE and other textbooks... More About Author

Also available as a South Asia Edition.