Macro Practice in Social Work for the 21st Century
Bridging the Macro-Micro Divide
- Steve Burghardt - City University of New York (CUNY)—Hunter College School of Social Work and Partner in the Leadership Transformation Group, LLC
A cutting-edge focus on mindful, transformative social work practice for the 21st century
Public Policy & Public Administration | Social Work Administration | Social Work Practice
Some unique features of this text include:
- Differs from main competing texts in its effort to build skills and focus on reflection, growth and theory to practice application activities
- Allows students to get a concrete sense of what it means to be in macro practice by providing interviews of organizers, program developers, and administrative executives.
- Case studies in every chapter allow students to apply key concepts to actual cases in practice
- Author to provide DVD of interviews with community organizers and managers for student website
Looked a little too much like materials I had used for a previous course for the same students.