Learning Power in Practice
A Guide for Teachers
- Ruth Deakin Crick - University of Bristol, UK
Learning Styles
This book puts the findings of the Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory (ELLI) research program into the practical context of the classroom, helping you to find answers to these questions: What kind of learner are you? How can you become a better learner? Including a video, CD-Rom, and flash cards, it demonstrates how to:
- Work out what kind of learner you are
- Improve your learning power, effectively improving results and raising standards
- Understand how the concept of learning power fits in alongside books on accelerated learning, thinking skills and learning styles
The book not only has a section using animal metaphors for younger children, but also presents strategies relevant to secondary school under-achievers.
' This is not a gimmicky approach...The approach here fosters deeper understanding for both the teacher and learner of exactly what the process involves...It contains much to interest schoolteachers, senoir managers and those involved with learners of any age'-ESCalate
The chapters of this book are set out as planned learning exercises, mapping out what is to come at the start, and ending with a summary.
A text of interest to all involved in education where principles within may be modified for application across different edcuational levels.