Chapter 1: Making the Business Case for Increased Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills
Multiculturalism and Diversity
Multiculturalism is Inclusive and Broadly Defined
The Need for Multicultural Skills
International Perspectives on Managing Diversity
Value Added from Multiculturalism and Diversity
Critical Incident: Culture and Performance Feedback
Exercise 1: Coalitions and Trust Formation
Chapter 2: The Complexity of Culture
Cultural Similarities and Differences
A Test of Reasonable Opposites
One Size Does Not Fit All
The Multicultural Perspective Has An Up Side
Culture is Complex and not Simple
Culture Balance is Dynamic and not Static
The Dangers of Ignoring Culture
Critical Incident: Is it White Privilege?
Exercise 2: A Test of Reasonable Opposites
Chapter 3: Cultural Frameworks and Their Importance for Leaders
Additional Important Research Related to Culture
Developing Intercultural Sensitivity
Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Components
A Three-Stage Developmental Sequence
Critical Incident: Whose Holiday is it Anyway?
Exercise 3: Describing Cultural Identity
Chapter 4: Where Does One Start in the Journey for Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills?
Implications of Identity Models for Leaders
Different Types of Intelligence
Gagne's Theory of Instruction
Critical Incident: A Celebration of Cultural Picnic
Exercise 4: Interpreting Policy on a Cultural Context
Chapter 5: The Development of Multicultural Competencies
Global Leadership Competencies
The Multidimensional Model for Developing Cultural Competence
Dimension 1: Race- and Culture-Specific Attributes of Competence
Dimension 2: Components of Cultural Competence
Dimension 3: The Foci of Cultural Competence
Critical Incident: I Had Them Right Where I Wanted Them…I Thought
Exercise 5: Double-Loop Thinking
Chapter 6: What Can We Do to Make Multicultural and Diversity Training More Effective?
The Evolution of Diversity Training
Problems with Diversity Training
Critical Incident: With the Best of Intentions
Exercise 6: A Self Assessment of Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge and Skill
Chapter 7: A Training Program to Lead from Multicultural Awareness to Knowledge and Skills
Establishing the Objectives for Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills
Critical Incident: Flavor of the Month Diversity Training
Exercise 7: Predicting the Decisions of a Resource Person
Chapter 8: Constructive Conflict Management in a Cultural Context
A General Model for Handling Conflict
A Culture-Centered Perspective
Western and Non-Western Alternative Models
Conflict in an Asian-Pacific Context
Constructive Conflict Management in the 21st Century
Critical Incident: What Type of Conflict is This?
Exercise 8: The Cultural Grid
Chapter 9: Redesigning Leadership through Multiculturalism
Leadership Styles and Multiculturalism
Examining Mentoring through a Multicultural Lens
Ethical Dimensions of Multiculturalism
Culture's Influence on Negotiation Styles
Critical Incident: Ethics Across Cultures
Exercise 9: Four Contrasting Ethical Orientations
Appendix: A Synthetic Culture Training Laboratory