Social Studies of Science
Since 1970, Social Studies of Science has been a central journal for the field of Science and Technology Studies, serving as a venue for the articulation and development of key ideas and findings in the field from its early years to the current day. The journal is multi-disciplinary, welcoming contributions that advance our understanding of science, technology and medicine as social and material activities.
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Social Studies of Science is available online.
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Sergio Sismondo | Queen's University, Canada |
David Edge | |
Michael Lynch | Cornell University, USA |
Roy MacLeod | University of Sydney, Australia |
Nicole Nelson | University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA |
Sarah Davies | University of Vienna, Austria |
Adam Hedgecoe | Cardiff University, UK |
Wen-Hua Kuo | National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan |
Leandro Rodríguez Medina | Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile |
Lucy Suchman | |
Renny Thomas | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Bhopal, India |
Stephen Turner | University of South Florida, USA |
Ana Viseu | Universidade Europeia, Portugal |
Courtney Addison | Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand |
Morana Alac | University of California, San Diego, USA |
Brian Balmer | University College London, UK |
Geoffrey C Bowker | University of Pittsburgh, USA |
Alberto Cambrosio | McGill University, Canada |
Adele Clarke | |
Ruth Cowan | University of Pennsylvania, USA |
Peter Dear | Cornell University, USA |
Aant Elzinga | University of Gothenburg, Sweden |
Steven Epstein | University of California San Diego, USA |
Robert Evans | Cardiff University, UK |
Mary Frank Fox | Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA |
Yuko Fujigaki | The University of Tokyo, Japan |
Joan Fujimura | |
Ed Hackett | University of Arizona, USA |
Donna J Haraway | University of California, Los Angeles, USA |
David Hess | Vanderbilt University, USA |
Stephen Hilgartner | Cornell University, USA |
Alan Irwin | Copenhagen Business School, Denmark |
Sheila Jasanoff | |
Anne Kerr | University of Leeds, UK |
Ronald Kline | Cornell University, USA |
Karin Knorr Cetina | University of Konstanz, Germany and University of Chicago, USA |
Emma Kowal | Deakin University, Australia |
Wen-Hua Kuo | National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan |
Andrew Lakoff | University of Southern California, USA |
Bruno Latour | |
Javier Lezaun | Oxford University, UK |
Donald MacKenzie | University of Edinburgh, UK |
Martina Merz | Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria |
Hélène Mialet | University of California, Berkeley, USA |
Helga Nowotny | ETH Zurich, Switzerland |
Nelly Oudshoorn | University of Twente, Netherlands |
Andrew Pickering | University of Illinois, USA |
Martyn Pickersgill | University of Edinburgh, UK |
Trevor Pinch | Cornell University, USA |
Arie Rip | |
Steven Shapin | Harvard University, USA |
Wes Shrum | Louisiana State University, USA |
Knut Sørensen | Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Trondheim, Norway |
Charis Thompson | University of California, Berkeley, USA |
Stefan Timmermans | University of California, Los Angeles, USA |
Judy Wajcman | |
Catherine Waldby | University of Sydney, Australia |
Steve Woolgar | University of Oxford, UK |
Paul Wouters | Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Netherlands |
Steven Yearley | University of Edinburgh, UK |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.