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Perspectives in Public Health

Perspectives in Public Health

Published in Association with Royal Society for Public Health
Formerly Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health

eISSN: 17579147 | ISSN: 17579139 | Current volume: 144 | Current issue: 5 Frequency: Bi-monthly

Promoting practice-based research and addressing inequalities in public health 

Perspectives in Public Health is an indexed bi-monthly, multidisciplinary public health journal with a truly international scope. Indexed in MEDLINE and ISI, Perspectives in Public Health publishes original peer-reviewed articles, literature reviews and research papers, and opinion pieces on all aspects of the science, philosophy, and practice of health promotion and public health, as well as news and features.

For guidance on how to write a review paper, please refer to the Perspectives in Public Health review guidelines here.

SAGE Choice and Open Access: If you or your funder wish your article to be freely available online to non subscribers immediately upon publication (gold open access), you can opt for it to be included in SAGE Choice, subject to payment of a publication fee. The manuscript submission and peer review procedure is unchanged. On acceptance of your article, you will be asked to let SAGE know directly if you are choosing SAGE Choice. To check journal eligibility and the publication fee, please visit SAGE Choice.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

As a public health Charity, RSPH strives to ensure we provide the best service for our readers of Perspectives in Public Health, while also considering our wider environmental impact. Perspectives in Public Health will be an online only journal by the end of 2024 exclusively available online at Log on and read current and past issues and download PDFs from the entire back catalogue. You can also filter content based on subjects you are most interested in, and access supplementary materials.

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Perspectives in Public Health is a bi-monthly journal for RSPH members, practitioners, policy-makers, researchers and academics. Each issue includes features articles, current topics and opinions; news and views on current health issues; as well as updates on the Society's work. Furthermore, the journal also commissions articles for themed issues and publishes original peer-reviewed articles. 

Perspectives in Public Health's primary aim is to be an invaluable resource for the Society's members, who are health-promoting professionals from many disciplines, including environmental health, health protection, health and safety, food safety and nutrition, building and engineering, primary care, academia and government. 

For un-themed issues, the journal considers submissions on all aspects of public health across all disciplines, focusing firmly on the Society's mission 'Vision, Voice and Practice'. Typically, these are:

practice based

systematic reviews

original research reports

digests of policy analysis with relevance to practitioners

implementation and/or evaluation of health protection and health promotion initiatives

economic analyses of health protection and health promotion initiatives

The voice of the public and behaviour insights into health

It is an aim of the journal to publish quality articles that identify and address local, national and global inequalities and inequities.

As a public health Charity, RSPH strives to ensure we provide the best service for our readers of Perspectives in Public Health, while also considering our wider environmental impact. Perspectives in Public Health will be an online only journal by the end of 2024 exclusively available online at Log on and read current and past issues and download PDFs from the entire back catalogue. You can also filter content based on subjects you are most interested in, and access supplementary materials.

Joint Editors
Joanna Saunders Leeds Beckett University, UK
Theodore Stickley University of Nottingham, UK
Deputy Editors
Catherine Homer Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Duncan Radley Leeds Beckett University, UK
Managing Editor
Natalia Camicia Royal Society for Public Health, UK
Editorial Officer
Gabby Favell Royal Society of Public Health, UK
Editorial Board
Lisa Ackerley Hygiene Audit Systems, UK
David Buck The King's Fund, UK
Michael Chang Department of Health and Social Care, UK
Ranjita Dhital University College London, UK
Louisa Ells Leeds Beckett University, UK
Kate Frazer University College Dublin, Ireland
Shazia Jamshed University Sultan Zainal Abidin UNISZA, Malaysia
Sarah Johnson Griffiths Consultant in Public Health, UK
Federico Jose Armando Perez Cueto Eulert The University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Ranjit Khutan University of Wolverhampton, UK
Jim McManus Director of Public Health at Hertfordshire County Council and President of the Association of Directors of Public Health
Shriti Pattani NHS London North West University Healthcare, UK
  • Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA)
  • Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature CINAHL
  • Current Contents / Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Current Contents/ Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Food Science and Technology Abstracts
  • Food Science and Technology Abstracts
  • Index Medicus (Ceased 2004)
  • PAIS International
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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