Journal of European Social Policy
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"Full of timely and provocative articles, the Journal of European Social Policy is simply indispensable for students of the contemporary welfare state." Paul Pierson
"The Journal of European Social Policy gives an insight on what is distinctive about European social policy thinking and practice. I wish more countries and more students had access to the Journal." Zsuzsa Ferge
"extremely impressive... the journal can be thoroughly recommended." European Access
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Authoritative Articles
The Journal of European Social Policy publishes articles on all aspects of social policy in Europe. Papers should make a contribution to understanding and knowledge in the field, and we particularly welcome scholarly papers which integrate innovative theoretical insights and rigorous empirical analysis, as well as those which use or develop new methodological approaches. The Journal is interdisciplinary in scope and both social policy and Europe are conceptualized broadly. Articles may address multi-level policy making in the European Union and elsewhere; provide cross-national comparative studies; and include comparisons with areas outside Europe. They may deal with a wide range of social policy issues, including: active and passive labour market policies, ageing, education and training, Europeanisation, family policies, gender, health and social care services, migration, pensions and social security, poverty and social exclusion, and privatisation. Single country studies which demonstrably address issues of wider theoretical significance are of interest.
The editors invite submissions for the Forum section which are to create a more lively debate within the journal of different perspectives on social policy issues that are of concern for the academic community. The subject of such interventions could be topical events, theoretical or methodological issues. Forum contributions should normally not be longer than 6,000 words; abstracts and keywords should be included.
JESP European Briefings
In the European Briefing section we publish short papers on important and topical social policy issues including latest European social trends, new legislation, analysis of new and existing European Commission programmes and important social policy developments in individual European countries. European Briefing papers should normally not exceed 4,000 words.
JESP Thematic Reviews
We invite thematic review essays on specific themes of interest to the social policy community. Thematic review essays present and discuss relevant academic contributions relating to a specific social policy theme. They go beyond standard single book reviews by engaging with topical themes and the state of the art of current research as discussed in an emerging body of literature. JESP Thematic Review essays should not exceed 6,000 words.
Authors interested in details please go to the journal homepage. If you would like to discuss your paper prior to submission, or seek advice on the submission process please contact the editorial office at
JESP/ESPAnet Doctoral Researcher Prize
Authors wishing to submit papers for consideration for this prize should email for details of guidelines and rules.
Rossella Ciccia | University of Oxford, UK |
Chris Deeming | University of Strathclyde, Scotland, UK |
Emanuele Ferragina | Sciences Po, France |
Kenneth Nelson | University of Oxford, UK |
Karen Anderson | University College Dublin, Ireland |
Dorothee Bohle | European University Institute, Italy |
Giuliano Bonoli | Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration, University of Lausanne, Switzerland |
David Brady | University of Southern California, USA |
Bea Cantillon | University of Antwerp, Belgium |
Bernhard Ebbinghaus | University of Oxford, UK |
Gosta Esping-Andersen | Pompeu Fabra University, Spain |
Emanuele Ferragina | Sciences Po, France |
Maurizio Ferrera | University of Milan, Italy |
Janet Gornick | Luxembourg Income Study and City University of New York, USA |
Ana M. Guillen | University of Oviedo, Spain |
Silja Häusermann | University of Zürich, Switzerland |
Lena Hipp | WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Germany |
Martin Kahanec | Central European University, Hungary |
Jon Kvist | Roskilde University, Denmark |
Julia Lynch | University of Pennsylvania, USA |
Kenneth Nelson | University of Oxford, UK |
Bruno Palier | Sciences Po, Paris, France |
Philippe Pochet | European Trade Union Institute Brussels, Belgium |
Martin Rhodes | University of Denver, USA |
Chiara Saraceno | University of Torino, Italy |
Dorota Szelewa | University College Dublin, Ireland |
Dorottya Szikra | Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary |
Barbara Vis | Utrecht University, The Netherlands |
Jochen Clasen | University of Edinburgh, UK |
Traute Meyer | University of Southampton, UK |
Chiara Saraceno | University of Torino, Italy |
Wim Van Oorschot | University of Leuven, Belgium |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.