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Journal of Building Physics

Journal of Building Physics

Formerly Known as Journal of Thermal Envelope and Building Science

eISSN: 17442583 | ISSN: 17442591 | Current volume: 48 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Bi-monthly

Now accepted into Science Citation Index

Journal of Building Physics is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes advanced research and state of the art papers to promote understanding thorough advancement of all the areas of non-structural performance of a building and particularly in heat, air and moisture transfer.
Our goal is to enhance deeper insight and understanding, and enable the development of scientifically-based design tools, which are crucial for the implementation of a performance-based engineering approach in building design.

Journal of Building Physics covers a broad range of topics including:

  • Heat, air, and moisture aspects of the building system
  • All types of insulation and building envelope materials and systems including polymeric, mineral, cellulose-based, and composites
  • New test procedures and improved methods of field measurement
  • Heat, Air and Moisture transfer modeling
  • Building interactions with the indoor environment, occupants, and allied building materials, components, and sub-systems.
  • Green roofing, double skinned envelopes, interaction and integration of building enclosure with mechanical systems and many other topics

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

All issues of the Journal of Building Physics are available to browse online.

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Journal of Building Physics is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes advanced research and state of the art papers to promote understanding thorough advancement of all the areas of non-structural performance of a building and particularly in heat, air and moisture transfer.
Our goal is to enhance deeper insight and understanding, and enable the development of scientifically-based design tools, which are crucial for the implementation of a performance-based engineering approach in building design.

Formerly titled Journal of Thermal Envelope and Building Science, the scope of the journal was broadened in response to readers’ interest. The vision of Journal of Building Physics is to facilitate the integration and implementation of a scientific approach in building physics with the various domains of building performance.

Buildings have enormous impact on global environment, renewable and non-renewable resources and quality of life and durability of the building envelope is one of the critical elements deciding upon the sustainability of built environment. The journal's expanded coverage will stress durability and long-term performance of building envelope systems. Specific stress is placed on environmental aspects and thermal protection of materials, elements and components used construction.

Journal of Building Physics covers a broad range of topics including:

  • Heat, air, and moisture aspects of the building system
  • All types of insulation and building envelope materials and systems including polymeric, mineral, cellulose-based, and composites
  • New test procedures and improved methods of field measurement
  • Heat, Air and Moisture transfer modeling
  • Building interactions with the indoor environment, occupants, and allied building materials, components, and sub-systems.
  • Green roofing, double skinned envelopes, interaction and integration of building enclosure with mechanical systems and many other topics

The Journal provides two sections of peer reviewed papers: Research and Research Overview Papers and Technical Papers or shorter Technical Notes. The research papers have a publication priority so that the publication cycle is as short as possible. Technical papers provide valuable technology updates, and invited state-of-the-art papers written by recognized experts.

Journal of Building Physics provides in-depth coverage of both research and practice. Just complete the order form to tap into this wealth of information and ideas.

Dominique Derome Université of Sherbrooke, Canada
Editorial Board
Thomas Bednar ex officio, Technische Universität Wien, Austria
Dr. Hannelore Derluyn Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA), France
Elisa Di Giuseppe Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
Linlin Fei Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Dariusz Gawin Lodz Technical University, Poland
Hua Ge Concordia University, Canada
Samuel V. Glass USDA Forest Products Laboratory, USA
Chiemi Iba Kyoto University, Japan
Arnold Janssens University of Gent, Belgium
Angela Sasic Kalagasidis Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Targo Kalames Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Dr. Aytaç Kubilay  
Yonghui Li Southeast University, China
Wahid Maref University of Quebec, Canada
Nathan Mendes PUCPR - Catholic University of Parana, Brazil
Parham A. Mirzaei Nottingham University, UK
Ruut Peuhkuri Aalborg University, Denmark
Staf Roels Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
Xing Shi Tongji University, China
Silvia Soutullo Castro CIEMAT, Spain
Athanasios Tzempelikos Purdue University, USA
Nathan Van Den Bossche Ghent University, Belgium
Twan van Hooff Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
George Wardeh IUT de Cergy-Pontoise. France
Monika Woloszyn University Savoie Mont Blanc, France
Zengfeng Yan Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, China
David W. Yarbrough R&D Services, Inc., USA
Xiaohai Zhou ETH Zurich, Switzerland
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  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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