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Annals of Clinical Biochemistry

Annals of Clinical Biochemistry

International Journal of Laboratory Medicine
Published in Association with The Association for Laboratory Medicine
Other Titles in:
Clinical Biochemistry

eISSN: 17581001 | ISSN: 00045632 | Current volume: 61 | Current issue: 5 Frequency: Bi-monthly

Annals of Clinical Biochemistry is the fully peer reviewed international journal of the Association for Laboratory Medicine.

Annals of Clinical Biochemistry accepts papers that contribute to knowledge in all fields of laboratory medicine, especially those pertaining to the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of human disease. It publishes papers on clinical biochemistry, clinical audit, metabolic medicine, immunology, genetics, biotechnology, haematology, microbiology, computing and management where they have both biochemical and clinical relevance. Papers describing evaluation or implementation of commercial reagent kits or the performance of new analysers require substantial original information. Unless of exceptional interest and novelty, studies dealing with the redox status in various diseases are not generally considered within the journal's scope. Studies documenting the association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with particular phenotypes will not normally be considered, given the greater strength of genome wide association studies (GWAS). Research undertaken in non-human animals will not be considered for publication in the Annals.

Annals of Clinical Biochemistry is also the official journal of NVKC (de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Klinische Chemie) and JSCC (Japan Society of Clinical Chemistry).

The AACB (Australasian Association of Clinical Biochemists) promotes subscriptions to the Annals to their members via a mutual agreement.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

Annals of Clinical Biochemistry is the fully peer reviewed international journal of the Association for Laboratory Medicine.

Annals of Clinical Biochemistry accepts papers that contribute to knowledge in all fields of laboratory medicine, especially those pertaining to the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of human disease. It publishes papers on clinical biochemistry, clinical audit, metabolic medicine, immunology, genetics, biotechnology, haematology, microbiology, computing and management where they have both biochemical and clinical relevance. Papers describing evaluation or implementation of commercial reagent kits or the performance of new analysers require substantial original information. Unless of exceptional interest and novelty, studies dealing with the redox status in various diseases are not generally considered within the journal's scope. Studies documenting the association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with particular phenotypes will not normally be considered, given the greater strength of genome wide association studies (GWAS). Research undertaken in non-human animals will not be considered for publication in the Annals.

Associations and Societies
The Annals Of Clinical Biochemistry is published by SAGE Publications on behalf of the Association for Laboratory Medicine.

Annals is also the official journal of NVKC (de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Klinische Chemie) and JSCC (Japan Society of Clinical Chemistry).

The AACB (Australasian Association of Clinical Biochemists) promotes subscriptions to the Annals to their members via a mutual agreement. 

Paul Hamilton Belfast, UK
Phillip Monaghan Manchester, UK
Associate Editors
Joanne Adaway Manchester, UK
Tony Badrick Brisbane, Australia
Jennifer Brady Dublin, Ireland
Michael Cornes Worcestershire, UK
Martin Crook London, UK
Graeme Greenfield Belfast, UK
Helen Jopling Manchester, UK
Kazuhiko Kotani Shimotsuke, Japan
Anna Milan Liverpool, UK
Vyanka Redenbaugh Belfast, UK
Kate Shipman Brighton, UK
Matthew Strutt Canterbury, UK
Maduri Vidanapathirana Colombo, Sri Lanka
Statistical Advisor
Robert West Leeds, UK
Best Practice Editor
Mayur Patel Oxford, UK
Social Media Editors
Jenny Nobes Dundee, UK
Ceri Parfitt Stoke-on-Trent, UK
Editorial Board
Ana-Maria Šimundic Zagreb, Croatia
Paul Collinson London, UK
Hewa Warawitage Dilanthi Colombo, Sri Lanka
Rajiv Erasmus Stellenbosch, South Africa
David Gaze London, UK
David Grenache Albuquerque, USA
Elizabeth Hall Canterbury, UK
Eric Kilpatrick Doha, Qatar
Tze Ping Loh Singapore
Michael Murphy University of Dundee, UK
Vladimír Palicka Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
Joanna Sheldon London, UK
Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine
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