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Active Learning in Higher Education

Active Learning in Higher Education

eISSN: 17412625 | ISSN: 14697874 | Current volume: 25 | Current issue: 3 Frequency: 3 Times/Year

Active Learning in Higher Education is a leading international publication for all those who teach and support learning in higher education and those who undertake or use research into effective learning, teaching and assessment in universities and colleges.

Active learning approaches in higher education are student-centred methodologies that support students to be engaged and active participants in their learning. Active Learning in Higher Education is devoted to publishing research covering all aspects of active learning and welcomes contributions that seek to enhance understanding of active learning strategies to teaching and learning in higher education. Manuscripts are expected to be grounded in the active learning literature and to make a substantive contribution to it through rigorous empirical research. Manuscripts which focus on conceptual issues or literature reviews will be considered only where novel contribution and insight to the active learning literature is clearly evident.

The journal also publishes at least one special issue a year on a topic of international significance to active learning approaches to teaching and learning in higher education.

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This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

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Active Learning in Higher Education is a leading international publication for all those who teach and support learning in higher education and those who undertake or use research into effective learning, teaching and assessment in universities and colleges.

Active learning approaches in higher education are student-centred methodologies that support students to be engaged and active participants in their learning. Active Learning in Higher Education is devoted to publishing research covering all aspects of active learning and welcomes contributions that seek to enhance understanding of active learning strategies to teaching and learning in higher education. Manuscripts are expected to be grounded in the active learning literature and to make a substantive contribution to it through rigorous empirical research. Manuscripts which focus on conceptual issues or literature reviews will be considered only where novel contribution and insight to the active learning literature is clearly evident.

The journal also publishes at least one special issue a year on a topic of international significance to active learning approaches to teaching and learning in higher education.

Additional information for prospective authors: 

Active Learning in Higher Education comprises accounts of active learning research across all areas of the curriculum, and inclusive of all learners. To be fully considered for publication, submissions must therefore be relevant to faculty and others involved in learning and teaching in all disciplines and in all countries (i.e. submissions should aim to avoid being overly discipline-specific or context-specific).

In keeping with the growing international interest in research on active learning approaches in universities and colleges, the number of submissions to Active Learning in Higher Education has increased
dramatically. Because of the large number of quality studies we receive, the journal has a high rejection rate and many promising papers are not considered for publication.
We therefore encourage prospective authors whose manuscripts deal with topics unrelated to active learning approaches, or which focus on teaching and learning specific to one discipline or field of study, to consider submitting to a journal with a wider focus on more general issues in higher education or to a discipline-specific journal.


Sinéad McNally DCU Institute of Education, Dublin City University, Ireland
Social Media Editor
Patrick Burke Dublin City University, Ireland
Editorial Board
Carla Bohndick University of Hamburg, Germany
Kristin Børte University of Bergen, Norway
Edith Braun University of Giessen, Germany
Alice Brown University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Travis Clark University of North Dakota, USA
Jennifer L. Cooper Stonehill College, USA
John Cowan Napier University, Scotland, UK
María Rosa Currás Móstoles University of Valencia, Spain
Maria Escriva University of Valencia, Spain
Rosemary Fisher Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Dr. Gina Fox University of Leicester, UK
David Gijbels University of Antwerp, Belgium
Isabel Hopwood Office for Students, UK
Sonia Ilie University of Cambridge, UK
Mpine Makoe University of South Africa, South Africa
Michael Ralph Gould Evans, USA
Tiffany Roman Kennesaw State University, USA
Franziska Trede University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Dr. Sandris Zeivots The University of Sydney, Australia
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  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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