Frequently Asked Questions For Authors
1. How do I submit my paper?
Each Sage journal has its own Editorial office and its own Manuscript Submission guidelines. To submit your article, go to the list of Sage journals, search for the one you wish to submit to, click on the Manuscript Submission guidelines tab to get details on how to submit your article.
2. How do I contact the Editor of the journal to which I would like to submit my article?
Each Sage journal has its own Editorial office. To contact the Editor, go to the list of Sage journals, select the journal, click on the Manuscript Submission guidelines to get details on how to contact the Editor.
3. How do I find guidelines or instructions for authors for my specific journal?
Each Sage journal has its own Manuscript Submission guidelines. Go to the list of Sage journals, select the journal and click on the Manuscript Submission guidelines.
4. What types of articles will the journal accept?
This is covered in the journal’s Manuscript Submission guidelines. Go to the list of Sage journals, select the journal and click on the Manuscript Submission guidelines
5. What electronic file types can I use to submit my article?
This is covered in the journal’s Manuscript Submission guidelines. Go to the list of Sage journals, select the journal and click on the Manuscript Submission guidelines
6. What are the requirements for illustrations, photos, and other artwork included in my article?
This is covered in the journal’s Manuscript Submission guidelines. Go to the list of Sage journals, select the journal and click on the Manuscript Submission guidelines. Alternatively visit our general Manuscript Submission Guidelines.
7. When will I know if my article has been accepted? What happens next?
Each Sage journal has its own editorial procedures, and you should consult the individual journal’s Manuscript Submission guidelines for more detail. In general, the Journal’s editorial office will contact you to let you know whether your article has been accepted, and what will happen next.
8. How do I obtain permission to publish Sage Publishing’s original material in my article?
9. How do I obtain permission to publish other publishers' material in my article?
11. How may I post and distribute my article?
12. What can I do to increase the readership of my article online?
13. What is Sage’s policy on correcting the online version of the article?
1. How can I arrange to have my article open access in a subscription journal?
The Sage Choice program offers authors the option to make their articles freely available upon publication in most subscription-based Sage Journals. It also enables authors to comply with funding body requirements, where publishing research papers open access is a stipulation of funding, while still publishing their article in the subscription journal of their choice.
Most Sage journals offer Sage Choice. The standard article processing charge (APC) for Sage Choice is 3,000 USD/1,600 GBP. The fee excludes any other potential author fees levied by some journals (such as color charges) as well as taxes where applicable.
For more information on open access options at Sage please visit the open access pages.
1. Can I post my article on the Internet?
2. Why does Sage require a signed Journal Contributor’s Publishing Agreement?
3. Why does Sage believe it needs exclusive rights?
4. Can you provide me with a PDF file of my article?
For more information on copyright and permissions, please click here.
1. Will I receive offprints of my article?
If you are the corresponding author of an article, you will receive e-prints which are PDF offprints. Full information on what you can do with these will be provided to you with the link to the e-prints. See Author e-prints.
1. Where can I register to receive books and journals information from Sage?
2. Where can I search my journal's content online and that of other Sage journals?