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Introduction to Strategic Public Relations

Introduction to Strategic Public Relations
Digital, Global, and Socially Responsible Communication

Other Titles in:
Public Relations

January 2018 | 496 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Winner of the 2019 Most Promising New Textbook Award from the Textbook & Academic Authors Association (TAA)

Introduction to Strategic Public Relations: Digital, Global, and Socially Responsible Communication prepares students for success in today’s fast-changing PR environment. Recognizing that developments in technology, business, and culture require a fresh approach, Janis T. Page and Lawrence Parnell have written a practical introductory text that aligns these shifts with the body of knowledge from which the discipline of public relations was built. Because the practice of public relations is rooted in credibility, the authors believe that students must become ethical and socially responsible communicators more concerned with building trust and respect with diverse communities than with creating throwaway content. The authors balance this approach with a focus on communication theory, history, process, and practice and on understanding how these apply to strategic public relations planning, as well as on learning how to create a believable and persuasive message.

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About the Authors
UNIT 1: Public Relations’ Role and Function in Society
CHAPTER 1: Strategic Public Relations: A Constantly Evolving Discipline
Learning Objectives

The Image of Public Relations in Popular Culture

Defining Public Relations: What’s in a Name?

Defining Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Communications: Doing Well by Doing Good, or Is It More Complex?

Growth of Public Relations Into a Global Industry

Roles and Functions for Public Relations Pros

Career Paths for Public Relations Professionals: Which Way Is Right for You?

Scenario Outcome

Wrap Up

Key Terms

Think About It

Write Like a Pro

Social Responsibility Case Study: Allstate Purple Purse: Raising Awareness and Funds for Victims

Social Responsibility Case Study: The Nature Conservancy: Connecting City Water Supplies With Nature

CHAPTER 2: The History of Modern Public Relations: From Barnum to Lee, Bernays to Page, and Other Public Relations Pioneers
Learning Objectives

A History of Public Relations in the Modern Era

Growth of the Public Relations Agency

Origins, Definitions, and Driving Forces of Corporate Social Responsibility

The Future of Public Relations

Scenario Outcome

Wrap Up

Key Terms

Think About It

Write Like a Pro

Social Responsibility Case Study: Edward Bernays and Light’s Golden Jubilee

Social Responsibility Case Study: Johnson & Johnson’s Tylenol Crisis

CHAPTER 3: Ethics and Law in Public Relations
Learning Objectives

Ethics in Public Relations

Stay Informed, Be Vigilant, Develop Personal Ethics

How Does Law Affect Public Relations?

Scenario Outcome

Wrap Up

Key Terms

Think About It

Write Like a Pro

Social Responsibility Case Study: Coca-Cola’s Fight Against Obesity

Social Responsibility Case Study: Burson-Marsteller’s “Whisper Campaign”

CHAPTER 4: Foundations of Public Relations: Research and Theory
Learning Objectives

How to Begin

Primary Research Methods

The Big Ideas Behind Public Relations Strategies

Scenario Outcome

Wrap Up

Key Terms

Think About It

Write Like a Pro

Social Responsibility Case Study: Allstate Reality Rides® Combats Distractions With a Virtual Driving Simulator

Social Responsibility Case Study: The Monster-Free Mouths Movement: AAPD Makes a Big Deal About the Importance of Little Teeth

CHAPTER 5: Implementing Your Strategic Communications Plan
Learning Objectives

Foundations of Strategic Planning in Strategic Public Relations



Evaluation, Ongoing Research, and Stewardship

Scenario Outcome

Wrap Up

Key Terms

Think About It

Write Like a Pro

Social Responsibility Case Study: TuDinero con TD: Empowering the U.S. Hispanic Community Through Financial Education

Social Responsibility Case Study: Be the Match: Inspiring the African American Community to Step Up and Save Lives

UNIT 2: Public Relations Tactics
CHAPTER 6: Public Relations Writing: Persuasive and Audience Focused
Learning Objectives

For a Public Relations Career, You Had Better Become a Good Writer

Public Relations Writing Strategy and Style

Generating Content: Public Relations Writing Essentials

Scenario Outcome

Wrap Up

Key Terms

Think About It

Write Like a Pro

Social Responsibility Case Study: Whirlpool: Care CountsTM

Social Responsibility Case Study: How Can Video Storytelling Support Social Responsibility Efforts

CHAPTER 7: Media Relations in a Digital World
Learning Objectives

The State of the News Media Today

Communications Theory and Media Relations

Measuring News Coverage

Global Media Relations Trends and Tactics

Scenario Outcome

Wrap Up

Key Terms

Think About It

Write Like a Pro

Social Responsibility Case Study: Deepwater Wind: Launching America’s First Offshore Wind Farm

Social Responsibility Case Study: World Wildlife Fund’s Campaign to Stop Wildlife Crime

CHAPTER 8: Social Media and Emerging Technologies
Learning Objectives

Social Media

The Value and Strategies of Social Media

A Showcase of Public Relations Practices With Social Networks

Evaluating Social Media and Looking to the Future

Scenario Outcome

Wrap Up

Key Terms

Think About It

Write Like a Pro

Social Responsibility Case Study: M&M’S Red Nose Day Raises Money for Children Living in Poverty

Social Responsibility Case Study: Giving Tuesday: The Day the World Gave Back

UNIT THREE: General Practice Areas
CHAPTER 9: Corporate Social Responsibility and Community Relations
Learning Objectives

Social Responsibility and the Essential Role of Public Relations

Successful Corporate Social Responsibility Flows From Business Culture and Builds Reputation

Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility: Opportunities and Challenges

Community Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility

Scenario Outcome

Wrap Up

Key Terms

Think About It

Write Like a Pro

Social Responsibility Case Study: Comcast Cares Day Engages Employees, Their Families, Friends, and Community

Social Responsibility Case Study: Dollywood Foundation Launches “My People Fund” Relief Effort

CHAPTER 10: Employee Relations, Corporate Culture, and Social Responsibility
Learning Objectives

Employee Relations and Healthy Organizations

Public Relations and Employee Engagement

Communication Challenges and Opportunities

Employee Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility

Scenario Outcome

Wrap Up

Key Terms

Think About It

Write Like a Pro

Social Responsibility Case Study: IBM’s Corporate Service Corps Develops the Leaders of the Future

Social Responsibility Case Study: Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Gives Back to Vermont

CHAPTER 11: Corporate Communication and Reputation Management
Learning Objectives

The Modern Corporation—Meeting the Challenge

Core Competencies of Corporate Communications

Corporate Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility

Financial Communications, Media Relations, and Investor Relationships

Scenario Outcome

Wrap Up

Key Terms

Think About It

Write Like a Pro

Social Responsibility Case Study: Hertz Hits the Road—Being a Good Neighbor in Florida

Social Responsibility Case Study: Snap Inc— From Dad’s Garage to a $33 Billion Initial Public Offering

CHAPTER 12: Issues Management and Crisis Communication
Learning Objectives

Issues Management

Crisis Communications

Prepare for and Manage a Crisis

Scenario Outcome

Wrap Up

Key Terms

Think About It

Write Like a Pro

Social Responsibility Case Study: Hertz Moves Its Corporate Headquarters

Social Responsibility Case Study: Under Armour and the Sochi Winter Olympics: Protecting the Brand Against Unfair Criticism

UNIT 4: Specialty Practice Areas
CHAPTER 13: Sports, Tourism, and Entertainment
Learning Objectives

Opportunities and Challenges of Sports Public Relations

Tourism—More Than Sightseeing

Entertainment Public Relations—Publicity and Much More

Entertainment Public Relations and Social Causes

Scenario Outcome

Wrap Up

Key Terms

Think About It

Write Like a Pro

Social Responsibility Case Study: #askMPLS Provides Virtual Concierges During Major League Baseball All-Star Week

Social Responsibility Case Study: Stronger Than the Storm—Ribbon Cutting Marks Recovery From Superstorm Sandy

CHAPTER 14: Nonprofit, Health, Education, and Grassroots Organizations
Learning Objectives

Nonprofits: Size, Impact, and Opportunity for Public Relations Practitioners

Health Communication

Public Relations Support of Educational Institutions

Public Relations in Grassroots Organizations

Scenario Outcome

Wrap Up

Think About It

Write Like a Pro

Social Responsibility Case Study: GlobalGiving: Crowdfunding Gives to People and Companies Around the World

Social Responsibility Case Study: Two Bostonians Campaign to Stop the Olympics From Coming to Their Hometown

CHAPTER 15: Public Affairs, Government Relations, and Political Communications
Learning Objectives

Public Affairs, Government Relations, and Political Communications

Government Relations and Lobbying

Political Communication: Applying Public Relations Strategy to Campaigns and Elections

Scenario Outcome

Wrap Up

Key Terms

Think About It

Write Like a Pro

Social Responsibility Case Study: CCPHA Serves Up the Bitter Truth About Sugary Drinks

Social Responsibility Case Study: The First Ladies Health Initiative: Walgreens Supports HIV/AIDS Screenings in Urban Churches

CHAPTER 16: International Public Relations and Public Diplomacy
Learning Objectives

An Overview of Global Communications

Global Public Relations in Different Settings

Public Diplomacy, Strategic Public Relations, and Social Responsibility

Scenario Outcome

Wrap Up

Key Terms

Think About It

Write Like a Pro

Social Responsibility Case Study: Dell Women’s Entrepreneurial Network Creates Opportunities for Women

Social Responsibility Case Study: “Blue Corridor” Natural Gas Vehicle Rally



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“Introduction to Strategic Public Relations: Communicating for a Socially Responsible World is an excellent resource for public relations students and instructors. Students will love the timely scenarios, global case studies, and easy to follow explanations of public relations practices across the world. Instructors will appreciate the comprehensive and engaging exercises that provide real world examples. A much needed text for the modern PR professional.” 

Maureen Taylor, Ph.D
University of Tennessee, Knoxville

“Public Relations is much more than just communication. Page and Parnell show that a broader strategic view can not only drive business results, it can change the world.”

Mike Fernandez
Chief Executive Officer-USA, Burson-Marsteller

"Using case studies at the beginning of each chapter is an excellent way to connect with students and to provide a focus for discussion of the key concepts. The focus on theory throughout the text is also refreshing."

Michael Kent
The University of Tennesse Knoxville

"The emphasis on social media history, evaluation, social network theory, and strategy is a great way to give students a broad understanding of how social media contribute to relationship building."

Michael Kent
The University of Tennessee Knoxville

"The first thing I look at in a new text is the bibliography. A text that has nothing to say about theory and research does not get a second look. Page does an excellent job here of blending theory and practice."

Michael Kent
The University of Tennessee Knoxville

"It’s refreshing to see ethics covered in chapter three instead of chapter thirteen."

Michael Kent
The University of Tennessee Knoxville

"This is a good textbook jam-packed with recent information about public relations in multiple arenas -- including corporate, non-profit, governmental, political, international, sports, tourism, and more. The up-to-date chapter on digital media relations is a plus as are chapters on ethics, law, history, research, and theory."

Donald K. Wright, Ph.D.
College of Communication, Boston University

“This text details a contemporary way to practice strategic public relations across multiple public relations sectors. It offers a ‘real world’ approach to public relations practice stepped in research, theory, and measurement.”

Don W. Stacks, Ph.D.
University of Miami

“This new text book provides a welcome blend of theory and practical knowledge that both students and professors of strategic communication will find adds real value. Page and Parnell bring the right formula at just the right time.”

Tom Martin
Executive-in-Residence, The College of Charleston

"This incredibly thorough introduction to strategic public relations traces PR from its early days and provides insights to success in a career in its exciting future. With a solid foundation in ethics, careful attention to the core values of building authentic stakeholder relationships, and an informed eye on the evolving strategic digital future, readers will find this to be a comprehensive and indispensable guide."

Roger Bolton
President, Arthur W. Page Society

Janis Teruggi Page

Janis Teruggi Page draws from 20 years of executive experience managing strategic communications for regional and national media companies. She managed corporate, consumer, and media relations, creating programming partnerships with major TV networks, directing PR for national industry trade show events, and supervising new product launches. She is a member of PRSA and continues to serve clients through her consultancy, MediawerksPR.An award-winning educator, Janis is a faculty member of the Department of Communication, University of Illinois at Chicago and a Fulbright Distinguished Chair scholar. She has developed and taught both... More About Author

Lawrence J. Parnell

Lawrence J. Parnell is an award-winning practitioner and educator. In 2003, he was selected the PR Professional of the Year by PRWeek; in 2009, he was named to the PR News Hall of Fame; and The George Washington University Master’s in Strategic Public Relations program, which he led for 16 years, was named Best PR Education Program by PRWeek in 2015. In August 2024, he was named the PR Educator of the Year by PR News.He offers the practical experience of more than 30 years of communications work in government, corporate, and agency settings and 16 years in academia as an associate professor of strategic public relations and program... More About Author

Also available as a South Asia Edition.

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ISBN: 9781506358031