International Development Studies
Theories and Methods in Research and Practice
- Andrew Sumner - Institute of Development Studies
- Michael A Tribe - University of Bradford, UK
Development Studies | International Development | Research Methods for Development Studies
- What is 'development' and why do we wish to study it?
- How do the many theoretical, methodological, and epistemological approaches relate to research and practical studies in development?
- How are development research and practice linked?
'This is the book that academics, development researchers and practitioners have been seeking for a long time. The book addresses the most important issues which development researchers and practitioners cope with each and every day' - Dr Tran Tuan, Director, Research and Training Centre for Community Development, Hanoi, Vietnam.
I thoroughly liked that book, even though (and maybe, precisely because) its conceptually dense and rich in discussions on the practcies of development research. It'll become one of the building blocs of my soon-to-start course on 'Development Theory and Policy'. The idea is to start with thinking about what we do & the way we are doing it BEFORE discussing specific approaches, theories, and linking them then to specific policy questions. I ordered a couple of copies for our university's library and, certainly, I am going to recommend this book as a value-for-money investment to the students.
I think this is an excellent book and one that still offers a different perspective on methodology books for development studies. The sections on research philosophy and the history of development studies are unrivalled by other texts. The emphasis on methods and practice is not quite so strong however.
Excellent I have even suggested this to new supervisors
This book will be useful for a future masters degree in international development as it focuses and discusses research methods in the field. However, it might not be suited for an undergraduate class. I will leave it on the side and will most likely use it when our masters programme will be up and running.
Excellent texbook for a course on development. However, I had a lot to pack into my course and chose this as a recommended (not required) text for the course. Student response to the text has been positive and they found it clearly explained key approaches and concepts in international development. Also good case studies for class discussion and analysis.
Excellent introduction to IDS written in a clear and accessible way.
This book serves as a perfect introductory study book. The structure is consistent, guiding readers step by step through the obstacles when doing development research (in theory or pratice).
Each chapter offers a short summary in the beginning, which will be summed up at the end of the chapter. It's simply impossible to get lost. Current issues or discourses of DS are as much present as are traditional ones. Bibliographical note are up to date, thus delivering a very good source for further reading. Even when less interested in DS, students are enabled to learn about doing research in general.
Good source for international sport development course. The text is student friendly