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Inspiring Collaboration and Engagement

Inspiring Collaboration and Engagement

  • Julie Reeves - University of Southampton, UK
  • Sue Starbuck - Royal Holloway University London, UK
  • Alison Yeung - Dr Alison Yeung, Independent Writing Consultant, Purely Academic Ltd.
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December 2019 | 232 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This manual provides a framework to strategically think about and practice collaboration with others within and outside various disciplines. Aware of the different approaches in accordance with discipline, gender, and career goals, through case studies from lived experiences, the editors have compiled guidelines on: 

• How to start, build and maintain collaborative networks with diverse audiences, 
• The opportunities that exist internally and externally to networks, 
• How to resolve conflicts, overcome resistance, and build trust and confidence. 

With a wide scope in both content and reach, this book is a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners and their supporters alike, particularly those who are looking to engage with various audiences such as individuals, institutions, private companies, and governments. 
Chapter 1. Why collaborate and engage with others?
Chapter 2. From small beginnings, what opportunities exist internally?
Chapter 3: How can doctoral and postdoctoral researchers engage externally?
Chapter 4. What are the benefits of collaborating and engaging?
Chapter 5. How can doctoral and postdoctoral researchers engage with the public?
Chapter 6. What can we learn from Public Engagement?
Chapter 7. What can we learn from Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) and Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs)?
Chapter 8. How can networks of trust be built and why do they matter?
Chapter 9. How can you initiate collaboration and wider engagement?
Chapter 10. How can resistance be dealt with?
Chapter 11. Following up and moving on: Concluding thoughts


This is a timely book for academics, researchers and developers as it provides tips on how best to ensure research translation and knowledge yields maximum research outcomes and impact.

John Obiri
Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya

Julie Reeves

Dr Julie Reeves is a Researcher Developer/Senior Teaching Fellow at the University of Southampton, and a Co-Investigator with a GCRF funded project, BRECcIA, leading the Capacity development work package. She has been involved in researcher development since 2002, working with the Civic Education Project in Belarus and Ukraine, and then as the Skills Training Manager, Faculty of Humanities, University of Manchester.  She was a key researcher and contributor to the Vitae ‘Researcher Development Statement and Framework’ and is a Vitae Researcher Developer Senior Fellow.  She is a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel... More About Author

Sue Starbuck

Alison Yeung

Alison is Academic Writing Consultant at Purely Academic Ltd. She has extensive experience of designing and delivering bespoke academic writing training programs to researchers at all stages of academic career in a wide range of research institutions. She has designed many different genres of writing material, including training resources for English language teachers, language resources for international executives, academic writing materials and programs for doctoral, and post-doctoral and researchers, as well as materials for workshops and writing retreats for academics across diverse disciplines. She has co-authored publications on... More About Author

Also available as a South Asia Edition.

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ISBN: 9781526464507
ISBN: 9781526464491

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