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New Mindsets for Seeing, Organizing, and Managing

384 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
`Shows that management is as much art form as science, providing many useful ways to tap the most important resource for competitiveness: brainpower' - Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Professor, Harvard Business School, author of The Change Masters

Gareth Morgan's worldwide reputation in the fields of management and organization studies is based on his innovative method of using simple, everyday metaphors to create new ways of managing. Following his immensely successful Images of Organization, in which he develops metaphors to explain the dynamics of organization, Imaginization goes one step further by developing metaphors that speak directly to people about how to get things done on the job.

Morgan shows managers, in business and nonprofit settings, how to form common metaphors to help them interpret and change organizational behaviour.

Introducing a New Competence for Turbulent Times

Looking in the Mirror
Strategic Termites
On Spider Plants
`Political Football'
`We're a Blob out of Water'
`Boiling Dry'
Imaginizing Teamwork
Picture Power
Living the Message
Rethinking Products and Services
If You Only Have a Hammer...

See Management and Organisations differently with this book.

Mrs Tawa Edwards
Year 0, Greenwich School of Management
May 15, 2014

Very use-full supplement to Morgan´s famous book Images of Organization which is essential reading in the course. Therefore, I recommend this book as supplemental. But Images of Organization is the classical text and remains the essential reading in the course.

Mr Christian Lystbaek
Leadership and Management, VIA University College
November 6, 2010

Gareth Morgan

Gareth Morgan is well known for his creative contributions to management. He is the author of seven books, including Images of Organization, Creative Organization Theory, Imaginization and Riding the Waves of Change. He acts as consultant and seminar leader to numerous organizations throughout Europe and North America, and is Distinguished Research Professor at York University in Toronto. He has sat on the editorial boards of the Academy of Management, and Organization Studies; and is a Life Fellow of the International Academy of Management. Born in Wales, he now lives in Toronto with his wife, Karen and their children Evan and Heather. More About Author