Human Relationships
- Steve Duck - The University of Iowa, USA, Rhetoric Dept, USA, University of Iowa, USA
Social Psychology
Thoroughly updated, with new chapters on Relating Difficulty, "small media" technology and relationships, and practical applications, the new edition is responsive to the student demand for insight into their own lives.
Key Features:
- Try this out: a section in each chapter indicating how the students can apply concepts personally
- Look for this in the media where students are guided toward concepts as presented by TV and other media
- Listen to your own conversations which points students to understand topics in terms of their own everyday interactions
- Keep a journal where students are directed to keep a journal for class discussion reporting on topic-relevant experiences in their daily life
- Self questions which confront students with a number of questions that invite them to reflect on their own performance of relationships relative to each chapter topic
- Practical matters directing students to practical application in the broader social world beyond their academic or personal experiences Chapter summaries, already present in the Third Edition, offer improved guided study review
- Brand new chapter openers providing focus points for note taking when reading the chapter
Gives a good general overview from a social psychology perspective in case students are in interested.
A good resourse to give further insight into the module, building effective relationships
Chose another text by author, more comprehensive and contemporary.
I ordered this book after running a search on the site for 'organisational psychology'. While the book itself is very interesting, providing nice everyday-life examples on complex issues, it is not suitable as a text for organisational psychology students. It may be more suited to a general psychology course, in particular on human relationships. While influenced by organisational psychology, it is not actually on the topic of organisatinoal psychology. It has, nonetheless, provided a number of helpful examples in preparing the course, in particular the section on relationships in the workplace.
This is a good text explaining sophisticated ideas in a easy to understand way