Preface: An Introduction to the Nature of Human Memory
1. Memory: Historical and Current Perspectives
The Classic Model of Memory: Aristotle
Methodology and Research Traditions
2. Mainstream Foundations: The Associative Model of Memory
Ebbinghaus: Origins of the Associative Model
The Verbal Learning Tradition
List Learning and Serial Recall Curves
The Classic Associative Tradition
Interference Theory 1940s-1980s
3. Sensory Memory
The Information Processing Tradition
Sensory Memory: General Properties
4. Verbal Short-Term Memory
General Properties of Verbal Short-Term Memory
The Events that Occur When Information Enters Verbal STM
Factors that Eliminate or Diminish Short-Term Forgetting
Research Into Manipulations that Influence STM Recall
Models of Verbal Short-Term Memory
5. Working Memory
Attention and Working Memory
Emergence of the Concept of Working Memory from Short-Term Memory
Models of Working Memory: Structural Assumptions
Capacity Theories of Working Memory
Working Memory as Strongly Activated Content
Loss of Information from WM: Ongoing Research
WM as Attentional Capacity
Inhibition of Unwanted Material
Domain-Specific Versus General Capacity Assumptions
WM and Phenomenological Experience
6. Long-Term Memory: Foundations
Spread of Encoding Versus Meaningfulness
Entry of Information into LTM
Retrieval of Information from LTM: Cues
Separate Memory Stores for Different Kinds of Information
Single-Stage and Two-Stage Models of Retrieval
7. Long-Term Memory: Ongoing Research
Spreading Activation Models
Propositional Coding: The Representation of Semantic Content
Secondary Cues, Recursive Processing, and Ecphory
Cyclical Retrieval/Global Memory Models
Priming and Spreading Activation Models
False Memory for Word Items
Output Interference in LTM
8. Constructivism
Constructivism: Basic Tenets
Constructivism in Mainstream Psychology
9. Memory Change: Alterations in the Components of a Memory
Postevent Information and Memory Change
Nonconstructivist Models of Memory Change
Constructivist Models of Memory Change
Research Data Relating to Constructivist and Nonconstructivist Models
Is Incorrect Information Incorporated into the Experienced Memory
Inference and Suggestion in Eyewitness Recollection
Eyewitness and Investigative Procedures
Emotion and Eyewitness Testimony
10. Long-Term Memory: Higher Order Structures
Context Effects: A Thoery of Spatial Relations, Motions, and Constraint
Schank's Model of Knowledge Structures and Goal-Based Theory
Kintsch's Model of Prose Comprehension
Inferences, the Situation Model, and Knowledge Structures: Ongoing Research
What Inferences are Generated in Natural Text Comprehension?
11. Autobiographical Memory
Causes of Childhood Amnesia
The Nature of Autobiographical Memory
Hierarchical Structure in Autobiographical Memory
Access and Retrieval in Autobiographical Memory
Accuracy and Distortion in Adult Recall
Goals, Perspective, and Meaning
Positive and Negative Affect in Episodic Memory
The Nature of Flashbulb Memory
12. Memory for Images
The Strength of Visual Memory
Weakness of Visual Memory
Propositional Versus Analog Codes: The Experimental Research
Perception and Memory Images: Deployment of the Same Neural Structures
Kosslyn's Theory of Image Generation
13. Implicit Memory
Perceptual and Semantic Priming
Implicit Memory: Major Issues
Structural/Activation Theory
Processing/Episodic Models of Priming
Unconscious Perception and Priming
Interference in Implicit Memory
Implicit Memory as a Separate Memory System
Priming as Transfer of Processing
Monitoring of Frequency and Temporal Information
Complex Associative Learning
Implicit Processing and Emotion
14. Traumatic Memory and False Memory
Controlled Observational Research
Repression, Dissociation, and Consolidation Failure
An Epidemic of Recovered Memories
Individuals Accused of Child Abuse
Recovered Memories: Empirical Findings
Trauma Associated with Incarceration: Memories of Concentration Camp Survivors
Memories of Crimes and Disasters
False Memories in Natural Contexts
False Memories in Young Children
15. Disorders of Memory
The Amnesic Syndrome: Theoretical Models
Deficit in Short-Term Recall
Loss of Memory for Selective Information
Reduplicative Paramnesia and Capgras Syndrome
16. Neuroscience and Memory
Memory Content and Distributed Processing
Strcutures that Mediate Memory
Memory Functions and Brain Structures: Neuroimaging Data
Storage of Declarative Memory Content: Perceptual Structures
17. Afterword
The Status of Information Coded on LTM
Meaning Codes and Higher Order Structures