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Human Inquiry in Action

Human Inquiry in Action
Developments in New Paradigm Research

Edited by:

October 1988 | 256 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Over the past years distinctive new approaches to research into human affairs have been developed and applied throughout the world. These initiatives--variously called cooperative, collaborative, participatory and experimental research--share certain features in common. They see research as a collaborative process, researching with and for, rather than on people. Human Inquiry in Action presents both an up-to-date assessment of the state of theoretical and methodological debates in collaborative human research, and provides a summary of projects undertaken using collaborative methodologies. In particular, the contributors address some of the difficulties involved with the collaborative approach. When the researcher is no longer separated from the researched, questions about how to collaborate and how to manage power relations become important. And, when people are inquiring into their personal experience, questions of subjectivity and validity are raised. These methodological problems are addressed in the first half of the book, while the remainder of Human Inquiry in Action attempts to resolve them in research contexts. An important practical sourcebook for new ways of understanding research, Human Inquiry in Action is essential reading for researchers in all social science disciplines interested in humanistic methods. "As an example of practical epistemology, this work is refreshing. It is down to earth, politically motivated and applied. It is about collaborative research inquiry with and for people, and the development of an alternative methodology for research in the social sciences." --MetaScience
Peter Reason
Peter Reason
The Co-operative Inquiry Group
John Heron
Validity in Co-operative Inquiry
Peter Hawkins
A Phenomenological Psychodrama Workshop
Peter Reason and Peter Hawkins
Storytelling as Inquiry
Peter Reason
Whole Person Medical Practice
Marja-Liisa Swantz and Arja Vainio-Mattila
Participatory Inquiry as an Instrument of Grass-roots Development
Robert Krim
Managing to Learn
Action Inquiry in City Hall

Ian Cunningham
Interactive Holistic Research
Researching Self Managed Learning

John Heron
Impressions of the Other Reality
a Co-operative Inquiry into Altered States of Consciousness

Judi Marshall and Adrian McLean
Reflection in Action
Exploring Organizational Culture

Peter Reason

`a significant and stunning contribution to the growing literature on new paradigm research... New paradigm inquiry is finally and ineluctably producing a literature of its own as powerful and persuasive as that which exists for conventional, positivism inquiry. Reason's new book will be a major building-block of that body of methodological and case study literature. For its careful definitions, its methodological deliberations and its exemplars, its utility will be likely long-lived' - Yvonna S Lincoln, Associate Professor, Vanderbilt University

`a very exciting book, which will be of great interest to all those who are involved in new paradigm research, and all those who may be sceptical about it' - John Rowan, Self & Society

`As an example of practical epistemology, this work is refreshing. It is down to earth, politically motivated and applied. It is about collaborative research inquiry with and for people, and the development of an alternative methodology for research in the social sciences.... worth reading' - Metascience

Peter Reason

I retired in 2009 from an academic career at the University of Bath in which my primary contribution was to the theory and practice of participatory action research. I was Director of the Centre for Action Research in Professional Practice (CARPP) and co-founder of the MSc in Responsibility and Business Practice. In these programmes we pioneered graduate education based on collaborative, experiential and action-oriented forms of inquiry. More About Author

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ISBN: 9780803980907

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