How Asia Votes
Edited by:
- John Fuh-sheng Hsieh - University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA, Duke University, USA, National Taiwan University, National University of Singapore, Singapore, National Chengchi University
- David Newman - National University of Singapore, Singapore, Lingnan College, Hong Kong
281 pages | CQ Press
The 1990s can be characterized as the decade when the Asia-Pacific Rim Nations embraced elections. How Asia Votes focuses on twelve countries and examines how their elections have been conducted, the domestic implications, and how the elections have differed from one another and from elections in the West. While elections had previously been used to justify and legitimate the selection of rulers in several Asia-Pacific countries, the broad acceptance and use of elections to select rulers is a relatively new phenomenon. The fourth in a heralded series of books on comparative elections following New Labour Triumphs: Britain at the Polls, How Russia Votes, and How France Votes.