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Homeworking Women

Homeworking Women
Gender, Racism and Class at Work

160 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
"This book challenges existing research, such as it is, and provides new empirical evidence on the gendered and racialised nature of homeworking. Moreover, it is distinctive in that it also offers an agenda for action to improve the appalling conditions that many homeworkers were found to be experiencing. Homeworking Women is committed research at its best: scientifically sound but with clear policy implications drawn out." --Teresa Rees in Housing Studies, Vol 11 Homeworking Women provides an up-to-date overview of all types of home-based work. The authors argue that homeworking replicates wider divisions in the labor force and that its potential for improving women's employment opportunities is therefore limited. Drawing on original research, they outline the advantages and disadvantages, the pay and conditions, and family situations for contemporary women homeworkers. Gender, racism, and ethnicity are shown to be key factors in constructing the homeworking labor force. The authors acknowledge the shared position that homeworkers occupy as women, as well as the clear differences experienced by clerical, manufacturing, and professional homeworkers, and question whether new technology in itself can be the way forward to a better paid, less onerous form of homeworking.
Homeworking and Women's Employment Trends
Finding out about Homeworking
Racialized Divisions in Homework
The Coventry Sample

Advantages and Disadvantages of Homework
Information and Communication Technology Homeworking
The Future for Homework

`Feminism and sociology have both discussed motherhood, but have so far failed to address childrearing as such - a serious omission, when children are such a key pre-occupation in many women's lives and childrearing is central to social processes over time. This book argues the importance of listening to mother's own voices and presents evidence on this basis' - Jane Ribbens, Oxford Brookes University

`This book challenges existing research, such as it is, and provides new empirical evidence on the gendered and racialised nature of homeworking. Moreover, it is distinctive in that it also offers an agenda for action to improve the appalling conditions that many homeworkers were found to be experiencing.... Homeworking Women is committed research at its best: scientifically sound but with clear policy implications drawn out.... extremely accessibly written and provides an excellent overview and critique of existing research. There is a substantial accout of the methodological approach, given the difficulties of accessing homeworkers and persuading them to co-operate in research.... fills an important gap in our knowledge and makes sobering reading' - Housing Studies

`For those new to the subject this will serve as a very useful introduction enabling them to grasp some of the theoretical, methodological and political issues raised by homeworking which continue to be highly contentious' - Sociology

`This book makes a timely contribution at both the academic and political levels. At the academic level, it nudges forward our understanding of the complexity of the operation of labour markets, in particular by asserting the importance of race, alongside gender and class, as an important variable. At the political level, it provides us with invaluable information about what homeworkers want, thus informing future campaigns on their behalf' - Work, Employment and Society

Annie Phizacklea

Carol Wolkowitz

Carol Wolkowitz is a Reader in the Department of Sociology. Her research has involved a number of different areas of gender studies. She has a long-standing interest in gender in Indian history and politics, stemming from her doctoral research on women politicians' careers in South India. Since then much of her work has focused on gender and employment. She is co-author of two books on homeworking and home-located work, Homeworking Women: Gender, Class and Racism at Work (1995) and Homeworking: Myths and Realities (1987). In 2006 she published Bodies at Work (Sage), exploring 'body work' and the relation between embodiment, gender and the... More About Author