Hierarchical Linear Models
Applications and Data Analysis Methods
- Stephen W. Raudenbush - University of Chicago, USA
- Anthony S. Bryk
Educational Research | Quantitative/Statistical Research | Research Methods in Psychology
"The text is authoritative, well laid out, and extremely readable. For the target audience, this book is highly recommended."
"This book is very well written and the applied part is well balanced with technical details. I think that it will be useful not only for social and behavioral researchers but also for applied statisticians, practitioners and students analyzing data with hierarchical-type structures"
"The book is clearly written, well organized, and addresses an important topic. I would recommend this book to the readers of Personnel Psychology. If you want to learn more about these techniques, the new advances, the controversial points, potential links between HLM and meta-analysis, structural equations modeling, item response theory, and so forth , this book is a feast."
"This book makes good use of examples to introduce readers to HLM and the issues surrounding their application. In fact, I think the book does a wonderful job by using lots of examples with lots of details. This is definitely one of its strengths as it makes it much easier for the reader to follow the text and understand the capabilities of the HLM approach. This Second Edition should come highly recommended. I think it gives a very good and thorough overview of HLM, and it does so in a manner that is easy to follow."
Excellent and self-exploratory book
Great text. This really is the rosetta stone of multilvel modeling.
Required for phd students who use the ecological approach and plan to analyze data with nested structure(s)
Great text for teaching and understanding multilevel modeling. It's technical, thus having a good grasp on statistics will be helpful for readers.