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Handbook of Adoption

Handbook of Adoption
Implications for Researchers, Practitioners, and Families

December 2006 | 584 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
The Handbook of Adoption is the first text to specifically address adoption concerns and also serves as a sourcebook to train mental health and behavioural health professionals. This book addresses topics in adoption that reflect the many dimensions of theory, research, development, race, adjustment and clinical practice which can, and do, affect adoption triad members. Contributors to this volume are experts, many of whom are directly involved in adoption-related research and practice and who can provide insight from personal and professional experience.

Key features include:

- the combination of theory with concrete examples that reflect real-life situations in the treatment issues and the training and education sections of each chapter;

- three learning goals for each chapter as well as three to four major questions to summarize the goals of the chapter;

- reflection questions in each section of the text that allow readers to apply the knowledge they have learnt from each section.

David Brodzinsky
Rafael A. Javier, Douglas B. Henderson, Amanda L. Baden, Frank Biafora, and Alina Camacho-Gingerich
1. Breaking the Seal: Taking Adoption Issues to the Academic and Professional Communities
Frank Biafora
Part I: Foundation
Dawn Esposito and Frank Biafora
2. Toward a Sociology of Adoption: Historical Deconstruction
Frank Biafora and Dawn Esposito
3. Adoption Data and Statistical Trends
Madelyn Freundlich
4. A Legal Hisotry of Adoption and Ongoing Legal Challenges
Rafael A. Javier
Part II: Theoretical Issues in Adoption
Michael McGinn
5. Developmental Challenges for Adoptees Across the Lifecycle
Harold D. Grotevant, Nora Dunbar, Julie K. Kohler, and Amy M. Lash Esau
6. Adoptive Identity: How Contexts Within and Beyond the Family Shape Developmental Pathways
Amanda L. Baden and Robbie J. Steward
7. The Cultural-Racial Identity Model: A Theoretical Framework for Studying Transracial Adoptees
Amanda L. Baden
8. Putting Culture Into Context: The Impact of Attitudes Toward the Adoption of Chinese Adoptees
Amanda L. Baden
Part III: Transracial and International Adoption
Rhonda Roorda
9. Moving Beyond the Controversy of the Transracial Adoption of Black and Biracial Children
Alina Camacho-Gingerich, Susan Branco, Rafael A. Javier, and Raul Pitieri
10. International Adoption of Latin American Children: Psychololgical Adjustment, Cultural, and Legal Issues
Hollee McGinnis
11. From the Ashes of War: Lessons From 50 years of Korean International Adoption
Amanda L. Baden
Part IV: Special Issues in Adoption
Ruth McRoy, Harold D. Grotevant, Susan Ayers-Lopez, and Susan M. Henney
12. Open Adoptions: Longitudinal Outcomes for the Adoption Triad
Naz Pakizegi
13. Single-Parent Adoptions and Clinical Implications
Elizabeth Keagy and Barbara Rall
14. The Special Needs of Special-Needs Adoptees and Their Families
Carol A. Boyer
15. Double Stigma: The Impact of Adoption Issues on Lesbian and Gay Adoptive Parents
Kathy Doyle
16. The Importance of Kinship Relationships for Children in Foster Care
Francine Fishman and Elliotte Sue Harrington
17. School Issues and Adoption: Academic Considerations and Adaptation at School
Amanda L. Baden
Part V: Training and Education for Adoption Therapy Competence
Joyce Maguire Pavao
18. Introduction to Adoption for Mental Health Professionals
Theresa Porch
19. Counseling Adoption Triad Members: Making a Case for Adoption Training for Counselors and Clinical Psychologists
Daniel A. Sass and Douglas B. Henderson
20. Psycholgists' Self-Reported Adoption Knowledtge and the Need for More Adoption Education
Rafael A. Javier
Part VI: Research Findings in Adoption Work
Madelyn Freundlich
21. Research Contributions: Strengthening Services for Members of the Adoption Triad
Mary J. Carr
22. Birthmothers and Subsequent Children: The Role of Personality Traits and Attachment History
Amanda L. Baden
23. Identity, Psychological Adjustment, Culture, and Race: Issues for Transracial Adoptees and the Cultural-Racial Identity Model
Douglas B. Henderson, Daniel A. Sass, and Jeanna Carlson
24. Adoptees' and Birth Parents' Therapeutic Experiences Related to Adoption
Rafael A. Javier
Part VII: Assessment and Treatment Issues in Adoption
Douglas B. Henderson
25. Why Has the Mental Health Community Been Silent on Adoption Issues?
Betty Jean Lifton
26. The Inner Life of the Adopted Child: Adoption, Trauma, Loss, Fantasy, Search, and Reunion
Amanda L. Baden, and Mary O'Leary Wiley
27. Birth Parents in Adoption: Using Research to Inform Practice
Ron Nydam
28. Relinquishment as a Critical Variable in the Treatment of Adoptees
Christopher Deeg
29. Psychoanalytic Understanding and Treatment of the Adoptee
Rene Hoksbergen and Jan ter Laak
30. Psychic Homeless Related to Reactive Attachment Disorder: Dutch Adult Foreign Adoptees Struggling With Their Identity
Janet Rivkin Zuckerman and Betty Jean Buschbaum
31. "I Don't Know You": Transference and Countertransference Paradigms With Adoptees
Alina Camacho-Gingerich
Part VIII: Poetic Reflections and Other Creative Processes From Adoptees
Penny Partridge, Christian Langworthy, and Sarah Saffian
32. Reflections
Part IX: Conclusion
Rafael A. Javier, Douglas B. Henderson, Amanda L. Baden, Frank Biafora, and Alina Camacho-Gingerich
33. A Look at the Future of Adoption: A Call to Action

"Unique and refreshing in its total inclusion of the entire adoption triad experience, the book strongly supports more fully incorporating the needs of this special population in psychotherapy and social work degree programs." —P.M. Salela, University of Illinois, Springfield

P.M. Salela

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 1

Chapter 3

Chapter 5

Rafael A. Javier

Rafael Javier, Ph.D. holds numerous appointments, including on the clinical faculty at the Downstate Medical Center in New York, St. John’s University, NYU Medical School, and several institutes and family counseling centers. He is a very prolific author, having written and edited many books and journal articles in the fields of interpersonal violence, family, language and cognition and diversity. More About Author

Amanda L. Baden

Amanda L. Baden earned her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Michigan State University. Currently, she is assistant professor of Counseling at Montclair State University. She has published widely in the area of counseling and adoption More About Author

Frank A. Biafora

Alina Camacho-Gingerich

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ISBN: 9781412927512

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