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Global Social Policy

Global Social Policy

An Interdisciplinary Journal of Public Policy and Social Development

eISSN: 17412803 | ISSN: 14680181 | Current volume: 24 | Current issue: 3 Frequency: 3 Times/Year
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Global Social Policy is a fully peer-reviewed journal that advances understandings of social policy, social development, social and health governance, gender and poverty, social welfare, education, employment, and food, and the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation, from transnational and global perspectives. The journal publishes scholarly and policy-oriented articles that address global social policy discourse, and practice as well as transnational flows of capital, people, and policies including the diffusion of ideas. The editors welcome articles addressing the subject of global social policy, discourse, and practice, through a focus on transnational flows of capital, people, ideas and policies; transnational social movements and non-governmental organisations; international intergovernmental organisations and world-regional and transregional intergovernmental institutions and groupings.

"In an era of global communications, Global Social Policy has significantly enhanced international communication among social policy makers, researchers and scholars. It has also enhanced the interpretation and analysis of global social welfare policies and programmes. The journal is a vital scholarly resource which is widely read around the world today and which will, in the future, be even more widely consulted. It is a leading international publication in the field." James Midgley, Harry and Riva Specht Professor of Public Social Services, University of California, Berkeley

"Global Social Policy has managed, in a relatively short time, to establish itself as the premier international journal in the area it has carved out for itself, namely where globalisation meets national social policy. It was prescient when established and it continues to be cutting edge. It has managed to avoid the usual pitfall of Northern journals that claim the 'global' mantle while making no effort to move beyond the world they are familiar with. It also, seemingly effortlessly, manages to bridge the divide between academic and policy ways of thinking and writing. I am sure Global Social Policy will continue to develop under new editorial leadership and become the obligatory point of reference for scholars and policy-makers alike concerned about how to develop social policies adequate to the challenges posed by globalisation." Ronaldo Munck, Strategic Director, Internationalisation and Social Development, President’s Office, Dublin City University

"Global Social Policy covers work in a rapidly expanding and increasingly important field. As a consequence of economic globalization, the social welfare policies of most states are now deeply affected by international institutions and by the policies adopted by other states. International organizations, such as the IMF and the World Bank, both enable and constrain social policy and international cooperation is often essential to prevent a competition-driven "race to the bottom". Global Social Policy is the only journal that focuses squarely on these issues. Its editors and those it relies on to review work are among the very best scholars in the field and every issue contains articles that are illuminating and often pathbreaking." Craig N. Murphy, M. Margaret Ball Professor of International Relations, Department of Political Science, Wellesley College

Global Social Policy is available on SAGE Journals Online.

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Global Social Policy is a fully peer-reviewed journal that advances understandings of social policy, social development, social and health governance, gender and poverty, social welfare, education, employment, and food, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation from transnational and global perspectives. The journal publishes scholarly and policy-oriented articles that address global social policy discourse and practice, as well as transnational flows of capital, people, and policies, including the diffusion of ideas.

The editors of Global Social Policy seek to publish articles that address the intersections of social issues, governance, politics and policies at various levels or scales — transnational social movements and nongovernmental organisations; international intergovernmental organisations, and world-regional and transregional intergovernmental institutions and groupings — using a global or transnational analytical framework.

Focusing on aspects of social policy and social governance and factors of globalization and policy diffusion, broadly defined, in both contemporary and historical contexts, the journal serves academic and policy-making or advocacy audiences across the global North and South. Contributions from across all disciplines and fields of study from a wide range of theoretical and political perspectives are strongly encouraged.

Lead Editor
Alexandra Kaasch Bielefeld University, Germany
Tuba Agartan Providence College, USA
Sarah Cook University of Nottingham, UK
Marianne S. Ulriksen DaWS, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Founding Editor
Bob Deacon University of Sheffield, UK
Associate Editor - Strategy
Madelaine Moore University of Bielefeld, Germany
East Asian Regional Editor
M Ramesh National University of Singapore, Singapore
African Regional Editor
Jeremy Seekings University of Cape Town Centre for Social Science Research, South Africa
Latin American Regional Editor
Juliana Martinez-Franzoni Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica
South Asian Regional Editor
Siri Hettige University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
MENA Regional Editor
Rana Jawad University of Bath, UK
Digest Editor
John Berten Bielefeld University, Germany
Editorial Manager
International Advisory Board
Jimi Adesina University of South Africa, South Africa
Daniel Béland McGill University, Canada
Ayse Bugra Bogaziçi University, Turkey
Michael Cichon Maastricht University, Netherlands
Anis Dani World Bank, United States, USA
Michelle Dion McMaster University, Canada
Tracy Fenwick Australian National University, Australia
Chris Holden University of York, UK
Katja Hujo UNRISD, Switzerland
William Hynes OECD, France
Gabriele Köhler UNRISD, Independent Development Economist, Germany
Huck-ju Kwon Seoul National University, South Korea
Lutz Leisering Bielefeld University, Germany
Rianne Mahon Balsillie School of International Affairs, Canada
Kerstin Martens Bremen University, Germany
Craig Murphy Wellesley College, United States, USA
Mitchell Orenstein University of Pennsylvania, United States, USA
Isabel Ortiz International Labour Organization, Switzerland
Ito Peng University of Toronto, Canada
Thomas Pogge Yale University, USA
Shahra Razavi UN Women, United States, USA
Asunción Lera St Clair University of Oslo, Norway
Paul Stubbs Institute of Economics, Croatia
Rebecca Surender University of Oxford, UK
Timo Voipio National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland
Udaya Wagle Western Michigan University, USA
Nicola Yeates Open University, UK
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  • International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
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  • Journal of Economic Literature (and JEL on CD)
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  • Studies on Women & Gender Abstracts Online
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  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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