Global Issues and Comparative Education
Edited by:
- Wendy Bignold - Liverpool Hope University, UK
- Liz Gayton - Liverpool Hope University, UK
June 2009 | 136 pages | Learning Matters
Almost every Education Studies degree includes an element of comparative education, and this book provides an accessible undergraduate-level introduction to the theme. It begins by defining what is meant by the term 'comparative education' and examines the benefits of studying it to students, policy makers, educators and academics. The book then takes a largely age-phase approach with a comparative analysis of selected education systems from around the world, including the impact of globalisation.
What is comparative education?
Back to the future of early childhood: same but different
Very useful for 3rd yr undergraduate students approaching international perspectives for the first time.
Faculty of Educ, Community & Leisure, Liverpool John Moores University
March 27, 2013