Get recognition for your reviews for SAGE Publishing
SAGE highly values the expertise and hard work of reviewers, and the essential role that you play in maintaining the integrity and accuracy of research. As part of our commitment to supporting the reviewer community, we are partnering with Publons, a service that gets you recognition for your peer review contributions.
What is Publons?
Publons is a free service that enables you to effortlessly record, verify, and showcase your peer review contributions. You can be assured that reviewer anonymity is maintained, in accordance with the journal’s review policy.
How is SAGE working with Publons?
We have partnered with Publons to integrate up to 1000 of our journals with the service to enable you to quickly and easily get the recognition for your work that you deserve. Browse the list of our journals that are already integrated
How does Publons work?
For our integrated journals this means:
For any journal:
Join the rapidly growing Publons community
Why wait? You can set up your free reviewer profile and start adding reviews straight away.
Any questions? See the SAGE-Publons information page for more details or check out the Publons FAQ for reviewers