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Fundamentals of Social Work Research

Fundamentals of Social Work Research

Second Edition

January 2014 | 400 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Designed to help students develop skills in evaluating research and conducting studies, this brief version of the popular, The Practice of Research in Social Work, makes principles of evidence-based practice come alive through illustrations of actual social work research. With integration of the CSWE Competencies, the text addresses issues and concerns common to the discipline and encourages students to address diversity and ethics when planning and evaluating research studies. The Second Edition includes a focus on qualitative research, a new chapter on research ethics, new sections on mixed methods research and community-based participatory research, and more.
Chapter 1. Science, Society, and Social Work Research
Chapter 2. The Process and Problems of Social Work Research
Chapter 3. Ethical and Scientific Guidelines for Social Work Research
Chapter 4. Conceptualization and Measurement
Chapter 5. Sampling
Chapter 6. Group Experimental Designs
Chapter 7. Single-Subject Design
Chapter 8. Survey Research
Chapter 9. Qualitative Methods: Observing, Participating, Listening
Chapter 10. Mixing Methods and Comparing Methods and Studies
Chapter 11. Evaluation Research
Chapter 12. Quantitative Data Analysis
Chapter 13. Qualitative Data Analysis
Chapter 14. Reporting Research
Appendix A: Questions to Ask About a Quantitative Research Article
Appendix B: How to Read a Quantitative Research Article
Appendix C: Questions to Ask About a Qualitative Research Article
Appendix D: How to Read a Qualitative Research Article


Student Study Site

The open-access Student Study Site includes the following:

  • Mobile-friendly eFlashcards reinforce understanding of key terms and concepts that have been outlined in the chapters.
  • Mobile-friendly web quizzes allow for independent assessment of progress made in learning course material.
  • EXCLUSIVE! Access to certain full-text SAGE journal articles that have been carefully selected for each chapter. Each article supports and expands on the concepts presented in the chapter. This feature also provides questions to focus and guide student interpretation. Combine cutting-edge academic journal scholarship with the topics in your course for a robust classroom experience.
  • Carefully selected, web-based video resources feature relevant interviews, lectures, personal stories, inquiries, and other content for use in independent or classroom-based explorations of key topics.
  • Web resources are included for further research and insights.
  • Web exercises direct you to useful and current web resources, along with creative activities to extend and reinforce learning or allow for further research on important chapter topics. 
  • Interactive Exercises based on real research examples allow for improving understanding of methodological concepts.
  • GSS Datasets for quantitative data analysis practice.
Instructors Resource Site

The open-access Instructor Resource Site includes the following:

·  A Microsoft® Word test bank is available containing multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and essay questions for each chapter. The test bank provides you with a diverse range of pre-written options as well as the opportunity for editing any question and/or inserting your own personalized questions to effectively assess students’ progress and understanding.

·  A Respondus electronic test bank is available and can be used on PCs. The test bank contains multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and essay questions for each chapter and provides you with a diverse range of pre-written options as well as the opportunity for editing any question and/or inserting your own personalized questions to effectively assess students’ progress and understanding. Respondus is also compatible with many popular learning management systems so you can easily get your test questions into your online course.

·  Editable, chapter-specific Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides offer you complete flexibility in easily creating a multimedia presentation for your course. Highlight essential content, features, and artwork from the book.

·   Lecture notes summarize key concepts on a chapter-by-chapter basis to help with preparation for lectures and class discussions.

·  EXCLUSIVE! Access to certain full-text SAGE journal articles that have been carefully selected for each chapter. Each article supports and expands on the concepts presented in the chapter. This feature also provides questions to focus and guide student interpretation. Combine cutting-edge academic journal scholarship with the topics in your course for a robust classroom experience.

·  Sample course syllabi provide suggested models for use when creating the syllabi for your courses.

·  Suggested course projects are designed to promote students’ in-depth engagement with course material.

·  Carefully selected, web-based video resources feature relevant interviews, lectures, personal stories, inquiries, and other content for use in independent or classroom-based explorations of key topics.

·  Web resources are included for further research and insights.

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 4

Chapter 6

Rafael J. Engel

Rafael J. Engel, PhD, is associate professor at the University of Pittsburgh. He received his PhD (1988) from the University of Wisconsin, his MSW (1979) from the University of Michigan, and his BA (1978) from the University of Pennsylvania. He coordinates the graduate certificate program in aging and is the principal investigator for the Hartford Partnership Program for Aging Education. He has written Fundamentals of Social Work Research (with Russell Schutt) and Measuring Race and Ethnicity (with Larry E. Davis). He is co-editor-in-chief of the journal, Intergenerational Relations and a member of the editorial board of Race and Social... More About Author

Russell K. Schutt

Russell K. Schutt, PhD, is professor emeritus of sociology at the University of Massachusetts Boston, where he received the 2007 Chancellor’s Award for Distinguished Service and taught from 1979 to 2022. He is also a Clinical Research Scientist I at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and a Lecturer (part-time) in the Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School. He completed his BA, MA, and PhD degrees at the University of Illinois at Chicago and was a postdoctoral fellow in the Sociology of Social Control Training Program at Yale University (where he met Dan). In addition to ten editions of Investigating the Social World: The... More About Author

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ISBN: 9781483333441