Fundamentals of Human Resource Development
Four Volume Set
Edited by:
- David McGuire - Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland, UK
- Thomas Garavan - Edinburgh Napier Business School, Scotland
- Larry M Dooley
November 2011 | 1 688 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Encompassing management, psychology, economics, adult education and more, Human Resource Development (HRD) has emerged as one of the most multifaceted areas of business and management in recent years.
The collections' well renowned editors reflect the multidisciplinary focus of HRD by structuring this four-volume set around the role of HRD on the individual, group, organization and society.
Defining HRD: An Examination of the Underlying Principles of HRD
P. McLagan
Models for HRD Practice
G.G. Wang and R.A. Swanson
Economics and Human Resource Development
L. A. Weinberger
Commonly Held Theories of HRD
M. Lee
A Refusal to Define HRD
T.N. Garavan, D. McGuire and D. O'Donnell
Exploring Human Resource Development
D. Short
Shining a Torch on Metaphor in HRD
Theories of Learning
J. Lave and E. Wenger
Situated Learning
E.C. Wenger and W.M. Synder
Communities of Practice
D.A. Kolb
Experiential Learning
A.D. Ellinger
Contextual Factors Influencing Informal Learning in a Workplace Setting
J. Silberstang and M. London
How Groups Learn
Adult Learning
M. Knowles, E.F. Holton and R.A. Swanson
The Adult Learners
E.F. Holton III, L.S. Wilson and R.A. Bates
Towards Development of a Generalized Instrument to Measure Andragogy
S.B. Merriam
Updating Our Knowledge of Adult Learning
B. Yang
Towards an Holistic Theory of Knowledge and Adult Learning
Organizational Learning and the Learning Organization
C. Argyris
On Organizational Learning
P. Senge
The Fifth Discipline
B. Yang, K.E. Watkins and V.J. Marsick
The Construct of the Learning Organization
A.D. Ellinger
The Relationship between the Learning Organization Concept and Firms' Financial Performance
M. Easterby-Smith
Disciplines of Organizational Learning
N. Heraty
Towards an Architecture of Organization-Led Learning
Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital
M. Gagne
A Model of Knowledge-Sharing Motivation
S. Wang and R.A. Noe
Knowledge Sharing
I. Nonaka and H. Takeuchi
The Knowledge-Creating Company
J.S. Brown and P. Duguid
Knowledge and Organization
M. Polanyi
The Tacit Dimension
Strategic HRD
M. McCracken and M. Wallace
Exploring Strategic Maturity in HRD
T.N. Garavan
A Strategic Perspective on Human Resource Development
V. Anderson
Desperately Seeking Alignment
L. Yorks
Toward a Political Economy Model for Comparative Analysis of the Role of Strategic Human Resource Development Leadership
S.L. Peterson
Creating and Sustaining a Strategic Partnership
Training and Development
P. Tharenou, A.M. Saks and C. Moore
A Review and Critique of Research on Training and Organizational-Level Outcomes
E.F. Holton III, R.A. Bates and W.E.A. Ruona
Development of a Generalized Learning Transfer System Inventory
J.E. Mathieu, S.L. Tannenbaum and E. Salas
Influences of Individual and Situational Characteristics on Measures of Training Effectiveness
R.A. Noe and S.L. Wik
Investigation of the Factors That Influence Employees' Participation in Development Activities
T. Baldwin and J.K. Ford
Transfer of Training
K.E. Dooley et al
Behaviorally Anchored Competencies
D. Russ-Eft and H.S. Preskill
In Search of the Holy Grail
D.L. Kirkpatrick
Great Ideas Revisited
J. Phillips and P. Phillips
How to Measure the Return on Your HR Investment
G.G. Wang and D. Wilcox
Training Evaluation
Career Development
S.E. Sullivan and Y. Baruch
Advances in Career Theory and Research
D.G. Collings and K. Mellahi
Strategic Talent Management
D.C. Feldman and M.J. Lankau
Executive Coaching
C.M. Garofano and E. Salas
What Influences Continuous Employee Development Decisions?
T.M. Egan, M.G. Upton and S.A. Lynham
Career Development
E.C. Chenhall and T.J. Chermack
Models, Definitions and Outcome Variables of Action Learning
Management and Leadership Development
A.D. Ellinger, R.G. Hamlin and R.S. Beattie
Behavioural Indicators of Ineffective Managerial Coaching
J. Clarke et al
It's All Action, It's All Learning
D. Goleman
Emotional Intelligence
S. Turnbull
Emotional Labour in Corporate Change Programmes
R.G. Hamlin
Towards Universalistic Models of Managerial Leadership Effectiveness
Organizational Commitment and Organizational Culture
N.J. Allen and J.P. Meyer
The Measurement and Antecedents of Affective, Continuance and Normative Commitment to the Organization
G.H. Hofstede
Culture's Consequences
E.H. Schein
Organization Culture
Organizational Performance
M.A. Huselid
The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Turnover, Productivity and Corporate Performance
R.A. Swanson
The Foundations of Performance Improvement and Implications for Practice
E.R. Eddy et al
Key Characteristics of Effective and Ineffective Developmental Interactions
Human and Social Capital
G.S. Becker
The Age of Human Capital
J. Storberg-Walker
The Evolution of Social Capital Theory
J.P. Hatala
Social Network Analysis in Human Resource Development
S.A. Hezlett and S.K. Gibson
Linking Mentoring and Social Capital
Diversity and HRD
L.L. Bierema
Resisting HRD's Resistance to Diversity
J. Gedro, R.M. Cervero and J. Johnson-Bailey
How Lesbians Learn to Negotiate the Heterosexism of Corporate America
L.L. Bierema and M. Cseh
Evaluating AHRD Research Using a Feminist Research Framework
A.K. Brooks and T. Clunis
Where to Now? Race and Ethnicity in Workplace Learning and Development Research: 1980-2005
J.M. Ross-Gordon and A.K. Brooks
Diversity in Human Resource Development and Continuing Professional Education
National and International HRD
G.N. McLean and L.D. McLean
If We Can't Define HRD in One Country, How Can We Define It in an International Context?
A. Ardichvili and K.P. Kuchinke
The Concept of Culture in International Comparative HRD Research
B.D. Metcalfe and C.J. Rees
Theorizing Advances in International Human Resource Development
B. Yang, Y. Wang and A.W. Drewry
Does It Matter Where to Conduct Training? Accounting for Cultural Factors
Theory-Building and HRD
S.A. Lynham
The General Method of Theory-Building Research in Applied Disciplines
R.J. Torraco
Challenges and Choices for Theoretical Research in Human Resource Development
J.L. Callahan and T.D. DeDavila
An Impressionistic Framework for Theorizing about Human Resource Development
R.J. Toracco
Writing Integrative Literature Reviews
L.M. Dooley
Case Study Research and Theory-Building
Critical Theory and HRD
D. O'Donnell, D. McGuire and C. Cross
Critically Challenging Some Assumptions in HRD
T. Fenwick
Towards a Critical HRD in Theory and Practice
S. Sambrook
A Critical Time for HRD?
Reflections on the Field and the Future of HRD
K. Trehan
Who Is Not Sleeping with Whom? What's Not Being Talked about in HRD?
W.E.A. Ruona and S. Gibson
The Making of 21st Century HR
K.P. Kuchinke
Human Development as a Central Goal of Human Resource Development