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Feeling and Personhood

Feeling and Personhood
Psychology in Another Key

  • John Heron - South Pacific Centre for Human Inquiry, New Zealand

Other Titles in:
Psychiatry | Psychology

272 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
In this insightful and interesting volume, Heron presents a radical new theory, a theory of the person in which feeling becomes the distinctive feature of personhood. The author explores the implications of his ideas for living and learning, and includes numerous experiential exercises. Heron also considers how a person develops through various states and stages and as a contrast, offers a restricted concept of the ego integrated with personhood. Central to his analysis are the interrelationships between four basic psychic modes: conceptual, practical, affective, and imaginatory. In his analysis feeling is seen as the ground and potential from which all other aspects of the psyche emerge: emotion, intuition, imagination, reason, discrimination, and intention. Heron also relates his approach to the theory and practice of a transpersonal psychology and philosophy. This volume will be essential reading for all those who believe it is time for a challenging alternative to traditional reason- centered psychology. "The strength of the book lies in its detailed treatment of models of personhood. A review such as this cannot do justice to the extent to which Heron has, in my view, successfully used diagrams to amplify the complex ideas within his text." --British Journal of Psychology "This is a complex and densely packed work, well designed and structured, and rooted in philosophy and psychology. . . . The wide range and ambition of the book, as well as its concepts, make it interesting." --Counselling
Theory of the person: preliminaries
Theory of the person: overview
States of personhood
The ego
The affective mode: feeling
The affective mode: emotion
The imaginal mode
The psyche and its worlds
A One-Many Reality
Jung, Kolb and Wilber
Life cycles and learning cycles
A brief look at learning
Formal learning cycles
The reality-creating learning cycle

`A complex work, well designed and structured, and rooted in philosophy and psychology... Several of the chapters culminate in exercises, generally to be carried out with a partner. They underline the points Heron makes in his theoretical exposition in an enjoyable way and would form part of an exploration of different psychological approaches and theories... The wide range and ambition of the book, as well as its concepts, make it interesting. It is presented as a "challenging alternative to traditional reason-centred and ego-bound psychology" and as such will be welcomed for its different perspectives by those running courses' - Counselling, The Journal of the British Association for Counselling

`The book will find an avid following amongst those involved in humanistic approaches to psychology and co-counsellors who will value the hundred experiential exercises... the strength of the book lies in its detailed treatment of models of personhood. Heron carefully takes the reader through a series of complex intertwining metaphors, culminating in a mandala bringing together the various modes with their attendant polarities, worlds and forms of knowing. A review such as this cannot do justice to the extent to which Heron has successfully used diagrams to amplify the complex ideas within his text... there is much to commend this book. In addition to the carefully crafted theoretical statements, the activities will be a reservoir of ideas for the practitioner involved in work on the development of human potential' - British Journal of Psychology

`The book delivers a thoughtful and internally consistent model that attempts to integrate the traditional areas of emotion, imagery, cognition and behavior with the archetypal-transpersonal realms of experience... Heron offers exercises that give the reader an opportunity to experientially delve into many of the phenomena covered by Heron's model' - Contemporary Psychology

John Heron

John Heron founded the Human Potential Research Group at the University of Surrey, and later pioneered personal and professional development programs for doctors, as Assistant Director, British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London. He now runs the South Pacific Centre for Human Inquiry, New Zealand. More About Author