Exploring Identity and Gender
The Narrative Study of Lives
Edited by:
- Amia Lieblich - Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
- Ruthellen Josselson - Towson State University, USA
280 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
How does a narrative serve as a way to uncover and construct a person's identity? How do life and life-story influence each other? Addressing these and other issues related to the place of narratives in understanding human lives, this volume focuses on identity and gender.
Chapters explore such issues as: how women construct the lives of other women in biographical work; how individuals conduct their life episodes in patterns similar to the plots of stories; how the women's movement influenced three women's adult lives; and how girls' sense of themselves change as they move into adolescence.
Amia Lieblich
Annie G Rogers, Lyn Mikel Brown and Mark B Tappan
Interpreting Loss in Ego Development in Girls
Shulamit Reinharz
Feminist Biography
Dan Bar-On and Noga Gilad
To Rebuild Life
Richard L Ochberg
Life Stories and Storied Lives
Dalia Etzion and Amittai Niv
The `Magician's Predicament' as a Managerial Hazard
Sherry L Hatcher
Personal Rites of Passage
Jill F Kealey McRae
A Woman's Story
Abigail J Stewart
The Women's Movement and Women's Lives