Ethics and Education Research
- Rachel Brooks - University of Oxford, UK
- Kitty te Riele - Victoria University, Australia
- Meg Maguire - King's College London, UK
Part of the popular BERA/SAGE Research Methods in Education series, this is the first book to specifically focus on the ethics of Education research. Drawn from the authors’ experiences in the UK, Australia and mainland Europe and with contributions from across the globe, this clear and accessible book includes a wide range of examples
The authors show how to:
- identify ethical issues which may arise with any research project
- gain informed consent
- provide information in the right way to participants
- present and disseminate findings in line with ethical guidelines
All researchers, irrespective of whether they are postgraduate students, practising teachers or seasoned academics, will find this book extremely valuable for its rigorous and critical discussion of theory and its strong practical focus.
Rachel Brooks is Professor of Sociology and Head of the Sociology Department at the University of Surrey, UK.
Kitty te Riele is Principal Research Fellow in the Victoria Institute for Education, Diversity and Lifelong Learning, at Victoria University in Australia.
Meg Maguire is Professor of Sociology of Education at King’s College London.
Ethics in education research is often contentious, particularly as there are power dynamics that need to be carefully navigated. This text presents a very clear overview of unique ethical considerations within the field of education. Helpfully, the text considers the roles that ethics can play within the structure of research design, particularly with consideration to research questions and methods. There are a number of helpful examples to support critical thinking for students who are newly embarking on research projects.
This is a well written text focusing on ethics and educational research. It encourages readers to think critically in relation to the implications of ethics in educational research. It is a particularly useful text in the context of contemporary research, as it considers some issues relating to online research, which generally is absent from similar books.
It is really good to finally have a text that is devoted to the use of ethics in educational research. This will be useful for both university-based researchers and for school-based researchers. With the growth of teachers carrying out research in schools e.g. via 'researchEd' there is a need for a guide such as this.
This book provides a great overview of the ethical dilemmas that are often faced by students new to research. A great asset to any research student's book shelf.
Excellent, easy to follow and to the point
Ethics and its associated concerns are supported and diminished by using this book. A valuable tool particularly for dissertation level students.
excellent and informative book
Great book, well written for students to understand ethics
Ethical issues are an increasingly complex aspect of undertaking research. Similarly reading research studies requires a detailed insight into the complexity of ethical considerations.
This book provides valuable advice and insight into this topic for students undertaking a range of research studies or analyzing research.
this is a fantastic and detailed book that covers in full detail the ethical issues BA and MA students of education should be aware of