Essentials of Organizational Behavior
An Evidence-Based Approach
- Terri A. Scandura - University of Miami, USA
Organizational Behavior
Essentials of Organizational Behavior equips you with the theory, research, and skills you need to be an effective leader and manager in today’s organisations. Author Terri A. Scandura utilizes a toolkit of real-life case studies, assessments, and exercises to teach you how organisational behaviour can improve performance at every level in the workplace. With an emphasis on developing critical thinking skills and applying research to real scenarios, this book is a must-have resource for any student looking to enter the professional workforce.
Structured around key aspects of organisational behaviour, the author explores individuals in organisations, managers as motivators, managers as relationship builders, cross-cultural differences, and managers as change agents. Alongside, ‘Leadership Implications’ in each chapter help you understand how to use organisational behaviour concepts to become a more effective leader and act as motivator, relationship builder, and agent of change in your organisation.
- An evidence-based approach introduces you to theories, models, and concepts that are validated by research, focusing on contemporary approaches that work
- Chapter Toolkits include real-world Case Studies, Self-Assessments, and Exercises that allow you to practice applying organisational behaviour concepts to real organizations and your own life
- An appendix on research designs explores different types of methods and how they are used in organisational behaviour.
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- EXCLUSIVE! Access to full-text SAGE journal articles have been carefully selected to support and expand on the concepts presented in each chapter to encourage students to think critically
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- Chapter summaries with learning objectives reinforce the most important material
- Videos and multimedia resources with critical thinking questions facilitate further exploration of topics
- EXCLUSIVE! Access to full-text SAGE journal articles that have been carefully chosen to support and expand on the concepts presented in each chapter
“Professor Scandura presents a wonderful vision for an advanced organizational behavior text. As students of organizational behavior enter the workplace, one of the major challenges they face [is] applying theory to practice. Professor Scandura’s exemplary work is a contemporary model where students can fully appreciate the science-practitioner model of organizational leadership.”
“Scandura’s text provides a view of organizational behavior for the leader that is relevant to today’s education at both undergraduate and graduate levels. The opportunities to apply this learning are embedded in every chapter and accessible for all students.”
“The Scandura text provides a rich contribution to the traditional Organizational Behavior conversation. It is well- grounded in behavioral theory and contemporary organizational research and promotes the tangible application of both.”
“Scandura offers a rigorous, evidence-based approach to Organizational Behavior that is presented in a straightforward, easy to read style. I think students will enjoy reading this book, and learn a lot while doing so.”
“Scandura’s OB text is pitched at a level that will resonate well with MBA students.”
“In order to compete in today’s world, students must be knowledgeable of current events. The case studies incorporated in this text enable students to share experiences with their peers and to feel more equipped in solving real world problems.”
“Finally we have a text that combines leadership and organizational behavior. Terri Scandura has done it! This approach gives leaders a strong foundation on how leaders can apply organizational behavior principles to improve performance at every level in the workplace.”
“Wonderful integration of Leadership for the OB student. Provides tools that will be useful early in the careers of our students.”
“After many years of teaching, I am finally happy to see a text that only focuses on material that is truly useful for today’s business students. Students are interested in gaining the tools to become good managers, not a historical overview of the field. This text emphasizes material that is most current and relevant.”
“The authors concise “plain talk style” simplifies complex concepts and research, enabling students to easily grasp contemporary issues and solutions associated with Organizational Behavior.”