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Effective Communication for Nursing Associates

Effective Communication for Nursing Associates

April 2022 | 192 pages | Learning Matters

Communication is central to providing high quality, person-centred care as a Nursing Associate. This book will help you to communicate effectively with patients, families, carers and your interprofessional team, encouraging you to develop your own unique voice. Covering important topics such as professional communication, tackling difficult conversations, communicating with emotional intelligence and tailoring communication across diverse settings, this book will enable you to communicate confidently in any situation.

Key features

- Fully mapped to the NMC Standards of Proficiency for Nursing Associates (2018)

- Case studies, activities and other learning features help you master your skills

- Focussed specifically on the Nursing Associate role, helping you develop into a confident professional practitioner

Chapter 1: Communication theory
Chapter 2: Professional communication
Chapter 3: Interpersonal relationships
Chapter 4: Communication in diverse settings
Chapter 5: Challenges to effective communication in clinical practice
Chapter 6: Emotional intelligence and cultural sensitivity
Chapter 7: Communicating with patients who have specialist requirements
Chapter 8: Assessment and support in clinical practice for the Nursing Associate role.
Chapter 9: Finding your own voice

This book covers a wide range of information how to communicate effectively. It is set out in a way that is clear and easy to follow and understand. It provides further reading and useful websites at the end of the chapter which will help to broaden the students reading and understanding on the topic.
The activities throughout really help the reader to reflect and to link the theory into practice.

Mrs Fiona Parkinson
Nursing and Midwifery (Lancaster), University of Cumbria
November 6, 2023

This is a comprehensive book on the role of effective communication for Trainee nursing associates and will be a good edition to their reading list

Ms Valerie Dowley
School of Health Science, Brighton University
June 6, 2022

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 2: Professional communication

Kerry Welch

Kerry Welch has been a registered nurse since 1995 and has worked in a wide variety of clinical settings and environments. Her main experience has been in intensive care (neurological and general) then latterly in primary care as a Practice Nurse. Kerry has an in-flight nursing award and qualifications in both intensive care and primary care, as well as an MSc in Medical Ethics. The MSc drove her interest in nurse education and she has been a lecturer and senior lecturer in higher education since 2006. Kerry has a teaching qualification which is recorded with the NMC and is the lead for the Nursing Associate programme at the University of... More About Author

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781529754759
ISBN: 9781529754766