Differentiating Math Instruction
Strategies That Work for K-8 Classrooms
- William N. Bender - The Teacher's Workshop
'This is one of those rare opportunities when a teacher can read a book and become inspired to take ideas immediately back to the classroom' — Amanda P. McKee, Math Instructor, Florence £5 School District, Johnsonville, SC
Differentiate math instruction with practices that boost mastery for all students!
Experienced teachers understand and appreciate that all students learn and process information according to their individual styles, abilities, and preferences. William N. Bender provides teachers with a wealth of critical strategies and teaching ideas for differentiating instruction to leverage each learner's unique abilities and raise student achievement in math.
With updated information and recommendations based on the 2008 National Mathematics Advisory Panel report, this new edition of Differentiating Math Instruction includes research on the value of brain-compatible teaching and creative ways to get students visualizing, vocalizing, and moving during math to make instruction more meaningful, motivational, and successful. New and seasoned teachers alike will be able to quickly adapt the techniques to suit their specific classrooms, with key features including:
- Strategies for use within a Response to Intervention framework
- At-a-glance lists of "Top Ten Tactics" for successful implementation
- "Web Site Reviews" that outline additional online resources
- Concrete strategies to tap into multiple intelligences
- A facilitator's guide for staff developers to train teachers in differentiating math instruction
Engage every student in a deep conceptual understanding of mathematics with this key resource aimed at revitalizing mathematics instruction in the elementary and middle school classroom.
"This is one of those rare opportunities when a teacher can read a book and become inspired to take ideas immediately back to the classroom and use them. This book provides an effective plan to help teachers reach all their students using proven and researched strategies. It guides today's classroom teacher who is struggling to help a diverse student population become successful."
"This book provides refreshing strategies that work in the classroom. Bender has presented us with a variety of ways to differentiate instruction and foster dynamic learning. This work is a gift to individuals who are constantly looking for ways to improve their practice."
"William Bender's book should be a necessity for the bookshelf of anyone who teaches math. It speaks to the educator who may be struggling to reach all math learners in his or her classroom. It also reaches the math coach who is inspired by Bender's work and who wishes to spread this wealth of knowledge to other educators. There is truly something for everybody."
"A fantastic resource for first-year teachers and veterans alike. Bender’s research base combines with creativity and multiple approaches to yield a great reference that teachers can use over and over again."
"The structure of the book invites teachers to enter into the text based on their questions—by design, a differentiated resource! The book is an excellent choice for a study group to begin the conversation on differentiation in mathematics. The inclusion of a facilitator's guide provides further questions and activities for deepening teachers' understanding of differentiation in mathematics."
While the new edition remains structurally similar to the previous edition, the author made many revisions throughout the text. He added new references to recent research on learning and mathematics, including statistics on mathematics achievement and new studies about the brain. In addition, the author updated the material by explaining how differentiated math instruction correlates with the recommendations made by the National Mathematics Advisory Panel in 2006. The book includes a list of selected recommendations from the panel's report. Several new teaching strategies and examples have been included, as well as sections about response to intervention. In these sections the author includes explanations of RTI, case studies of RTI in mathematics, and figures to illustrate the intervention process.