Designing and Managing Programs
An Effectiveness-Based Approach
- Peter M. Kettner
- Robert M. Moroney - Arizona State University, USA
- Lawrence L. Martin - University of Central Florida, USA
Social Research Methods | Social Work Administration | Social Work Program Planning
Password-protected Instructor Resources include the following:
- A Microsoft® Word® test bank is available containing multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and essay questions for each chapter. The test bank provides you with a diverse range of pre-written options as well as the opportunity for editing any question and/or inserting your own personalized questions to effectively assess students’ progress and understanding.
- Editable, chapter-specific Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides offer you complete flexibility in easily creating a multimedia presentation for your course.
- Suggested assignments designed by Dr. Kettner encourage a good deal of thoughtful, careful planning. Each exercise builds on the next and includes guidance to complete the exercise. The student's final objective is to create a program plan which demonstrates consistency and integrity beginning with problem analysis through evaluation design, and it should include feedback from you, the professor, as given throughout the semester.
"The most comprehensive text on effective program development on the market. The authors do an excellent job at covering the important tasks and processes necessary in building results-based programs."
“This book provides a detailed and cumulative set of instructions and guidelines that every human service manager should know.”
“[This book’s] practical and straightforward approach guides students through the fundamentals of program planning and evaluation from an effectiveness-based perspective. The strengths of this well-organized text are its pragmatic approach and applied focus. The real-life examples and practical information make this text a very valuable resource for both students and practitioners.”