Data Collection
Key Debates and Methods in Social Research
- Wendy Olsen - University of Manchester, UK
This innovative book for students and researchers alike gives an indispensable introduction to key issues and practical methods needed for data collection.
It uses clear definitions, relevant interdisciplinary examples from around the world and up-to-date suggestions for further reading to demonstrate how to gather and use qualitative, quantitative, and mixed data sets.
The book is divided into seven distinct parts, encouraging researchers to combine methods of data collection:
- Data Collection: An Introduction to Research Practices
- Collecting Qualitative Data
- Observation and Informed Methods
- Experimental and Systematic Data Collection
- Survey Methods for Data Collection
- The Case-Study Method of Data Collection
- Concluding Suggestions for Data-Collection Concepts
A stimulating, practical guide which can be read as individual concepts from the methods toolkit, or as a whole, this text is an important resource for students and research professionals.
This sets out the key aspects of data collection. The text presents the options for research students in a sufficiently non-technical manner to provide an overview for students.
What I find particularly compelling about this book is the that research is mapped against key issues of social and organisational settings