Dark Matter
What's Science Got to Hide
Index on Censorship
Communication & Media Studies | Cultural Studies | Political Science & International Relations
As leading scientists question the use and abuse of freedom of information, Index looks at the data wars and the limits of scientific debate. Richard Smith calls for open access; veteran whistleblower Peter Wilmshurst questions a culture of silence; Michael Blastland considers our fear of uncertainty; Sam Geall looks at environmental cover-ups in China and Tracey Brown explains why law can be bad for your health.
Index on Censorship is an award-winning magazine, devoted to protecting and promoting free expression. International in outlook, outspoken in comment, Index on Censorship reports on free expression violations around the world, publishes banned writing and shines a light on vital free expression issues through original, challenging and intelligent commentary and analysis, publishing some of the world's finest writers.
Winner 2008 Amnesty International Consumer Magazine of the Year