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Culture, Leadership, and Organizations

Culture, Leadership, and Organizations
The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies

Edited by:

Other Titles in:
Leadership | Management Skills

April 2004 | 848 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Leadership, Culture and Organizations reports the results of a ten-year research program, the Global Leadership and Organizational Behaviour Effectiveness research program (GLOBE). GLOBE is a long-term program designed to conceptualize, operationalize, test and validate a cross-level integrated theory of the relationship between culture and societal, organizational, and leadership effectiveness. A team of 160 scholars worked together since 1994 to study societal culture, organizational culture, and attributes of effective leadership in 62 cultures. Leadership, Culture, and Organizations reports the findings of the first two phases of GLOBE. The book is primarily based on the results of the survey of over 17,000 middle managers in three industries: banking, food processing, and telecommunications, as well as archival measures of country economic prosperity and the physical and psychological well-being of the cultures studied.

GLOBE has several distinguishing features. First, it is truly a cross-cultural research program. The constructs were defined, conceptualized, and operationalized by the multicultural team of researchers. Second, the industries were selected through a polling of the country investigators, and the instruments were designed with the full participation of the researchers representing the different cultures. Finally, the data in each country were collected by investigators who were either natives of the cultures studied or had extensive knowledge and experience in that culture.

A unique feature of this book is that while it is an edited book and many experts have written the different chapters, unlike other edited books, it is a fully integrated, seamless, and cohesive book covering the many aspects of the theory underpinning the GLOBE.

Harry Triandis
Robert J. House
Part 1 Introduction
Robert House
Chapter 1 Introduction
Robert House and Mansour Javidan
Chapter 2 Overview of the Globe Research Program
Part 2 Literature
Mansour Javidan and Robert House
Chapter 3 Literature Review
Peter Dorfman and Robert House
Chapter 4 Cultures and Leadership
Marcus Dickson, Renee BeShears, and Vipin Gupta
Chapter 5 The Impact of Societal Culture and Industry on Organizational Culture
Overview by Paul Hanges
Part 3 Project GLOBE: Research Methodolgy
Robert House, Paul Hanges, and Peter Dorfman
Chapter 6 Research Design
Mansour Javidan and Markus Hauser
Chapter 7 The Linkage Between GLOBE Findings and Other Cross Cultural Information
Paul Hanges and Marcus Dickson
Chapter 8 The Development and Validation of the GLOBE Culture and Leadership Scales
Vipin Gupta, Mary Sully de Luque, and Robert House
Chapter 9 Multi-source Construct Validity of GLOBE Scales
Vipin Gupta, Paul Hanges, Peter Dorfman, and Robert House
Chapter 10 Regional and Climate Clustering of Social Cultures
Paul Hanges, Marcus Dickson, and Mina Sipe
Chapter 11 Rational for GLOBE Statistical Analysis: Societal Rankings and Test of Hypotheses
Intro by Mansour Javidan
Part 4 Empirical Findings
Mansour Javidan
Chapter 12 Performance Orientation
Neal Ashkanasy, Vipin Gupta, Melinda Mayfield, and Edwin Trevor-Roberts
Chapter 13 Future Orientation
Cynthia G. Emrich, Florence L. Denmark, and Deanne Den Hartog
Chapter 14 Cross-Cultural differences in Gender Egalitarianism: Implications for Societies, Organizations, and Leaders
Deanne Den Hartog
Chapter 15 Assertiveness
Michele J. Gelfand, D.P.S. Bhawuk, Lisa H. Nishii, & David J. Bechtold
Chapter 16 Individual and Collectivism
Dale Carl, Vipin Gupta with Mansour Javidan
Chapter 17 Power Distance
Hayat Kabasakal and Muzaffer Bodur
Chapter 18 Humane Orientation in Societies, Organizations, and Leader Attributes
Mary Sully de Luque, Mansour Javidan, and Ram Aditya
Chapter 19 Uncertainty Avoidance
Felix Brodbeck, Paul Hanges, Marcus Dickson, Vipin Gupta, and Peter Dorfman
Chapter 20 Societal, Cultural, and Industry Influences on Organizational Culture
Peter Dorfman, Paul Hanges, and Felix Brodbeck
Chapter 21 Leadership and Cultural Variation: The Identification of Culturally Endorsed Leadership Profiles
Part 5 Conclusion
Mansour Javidan, Robert House, Peter Dorfman, Vipin Gupta, Paul Hanges, and Mary Sully de Luque
Chapter 22 Conclusions, (theoratical and practical) Implications, and future directions
Paul Hanges
Appendix A Correlations GLOBE Scales
Paul Hanges
Appendix B Response bias Outliers
Paul Hanges, Mina Sipe, and Ellen Godfrey
Appendix C Hierarchical Linear Modeling
Paul Hanges
Appendix D Confidence Internval Demonstration

"In his introduction, editor House succinctly points out that 'as economic borders come down, cultural barriers will most likely go up and present new challenges and opportunities in business.' The GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness) research project scientists set out to better understand how culture influences leadership and organizational behavior by studying 62 societies over a ten-year period. These sutdies will expand readers' understanding of varying values and practices across cultures and help prepare them for functioning in a world where global collaborations have become essential to business survival. This book is itself a product of cross-cultrual collaborative efforts. The 170 social scientists and management scholars from across the world met the challenges of meshing their cultural values and practices in producing this fluid and coherent series of studies, which fit together like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. This volume will be of value to those intrested in cross-cultural studies, particularly as an extension of work by Geert Hofstede (e.g., Culture's Consequences, 2nd ed., 2001) and others...Highly recommended."

A. Hirsa
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

"These studies will expand readers' understanding of varying values and practices acoss cultures and help prepare them for functioning in a world where global collaborations have become essential to business survival. This book is itself a product of cross-cultural collaborative efforts. The 170 social scientists and management scholars from across the world met the challenges of meshing their cultural values and practices in producing this fluid and coherent series of studies, which fir together like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Summing up: Highly recommended."

A. Hirsa
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Robert J. House

Professor Robert J. House received his Ph.D. degree in Management from the Ohio State University. He went on to hold faculty appointments at Ohio State University, University of Michigan, City University of New York and the University of Toronto.  In 1988 he was appointed the Joseph Frank Bernstein Professor Endowed Chair of Organization Studies at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.  A prolific writer, he authored more than 130 journal articles, several of which have been reprinted in numerous anthologies.  Among the multiple awards conferred, House received the award for Distinguished Scholarly... More About Author

Paul John Hanges

Paul J. Hanges is Professor, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, of the Department of Psychology at the University of Maryland. He is also an affiliate of the University of Maryland’s R. H. Smith School of Business and the Zicklin School of Business (Baruch College). He is on the board of directors of OBA Bank. Paul’s research centers on three themes: a) human resource practices, team/organizational diversity and organizational climate, b) leadership, team-processes, and cross-cultural issues, and c) dynamical systems theory. He has written over 80 articles and book chapters. His publications have appeared in such journals as Advances in... More About Author

Mansour Javidan

Multiple award-winning educator and author, Dr. Mansour Javidan received his MBA and Ph.D. degrees from the Carlson School at the University of Minnesota.  He recently stepped down as Dean of Research and is currently the Garvin Distinguished Professor and Director of Najafi Global Mindset Institute ( at Thunderbird School of Global Management in Arizona. Mansour is Past President and Chairman of the Board of the GLOBE Research Foundation.  He is a coeditor of the first GLOBE book which won the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology’s (SIOP) award for "The M. Scott Myers Award for Applied... More About Author

Peter W. Dorfman

Peter W. Dorfman is Professor Emeritus of Management at New Mexico State University. He recently held the Bank of America Professorship in the Department of Management. He is currently Chairman of the Board of Directors and President of GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness Foundation). His Masters and Ph.D. degrees are from the University of Maryland. His articles on leadership, cross-cultural management, and employee discrimination have appeared in Leadership Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Perspectives, Organizational Dynamics, Journal of Management,... More About Author

Vipin Gupta